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martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Descargar ooVoo Gratis

Descargar ooVoo Gratis


ooVoo es un cliente de mensajería y videoconferencia que lleva sus servicios gratuitos allí donde no llega Skype, permiténdote comunicarte cara a cara con hasta cinco personas más a buena calidad.

ooVoo se utiliza de modo similar a cualquier programa de su estilo: primero has de crear una cuenta de usuario e ir agregando a tus contactos de la misma red. A continuación dispones de varias opciones: chat de texto, voz, llamadas a números de teléfono y SMS.

En cuanto a la videoconferencia, ooVoo permite la conversación a tres bandas sin coste alguno, lo cual es más que lo que ofrece Skype por el mismo precio. La calidad es más que aceptable, aunque no en alta definición, y en ooVoo también está disponible la útil opción de compartir pantalla.

Muchos usuarios están cambiando su modo de comunicarse gracias a ooVoo, la alternativa asequible que te acerca cómodamente a quien quieras.


  • Videoconferencia grupal gratis

  • Llamadas y SMS a buen precio

  • Fácil de configurar y de usar


  • Algo limitado para compartir archivos

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Descargar Hamster Free ZIP Archiver Gratis

Descargar Hamster Free ZIP Archiver Gratis


Hamster Free ZIP Archiver es un nuevo compresor de ficheros que te sorprenderá por su apariencia atractiva en dos colores y por su funcionalidad, haciendo de la compresión un proceso muy intuitivo.

Como puedes ver, Hamster Free ZIP Archiver se destaca de otros programas por mantener una estética muy acorde con las últimas versiones de Windows y Windows Phone. Transparencias y difuminados enfocan la atención en donde corresponde cada momento.

En cuanto a sus funciones, Hamster Free ZIP Archiver no parece trabajar con muchos formatos: sólo ZIP y 7Z, pero los domina bien y alcanza elevadas tasas de compresión en tiempos relativamente rápidos. Además, su funcionamiento a base de arrastrar y soltar iconos no sólo es original, sino también asequible.


  • Apariencia vistosa y elegante

  • Buena tasa de compresión

  • Funcionamiento intuitivo mediante arrastrar y soltar


  • Algo pesado en ejecución

  • Pocos formatos soportados


lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Descargar Spotify Gratis

Descargar Spotify Gratis


Spotify es el programa que ha puesto patas arriba el mercado de la música en Internet. La experiencia de escuchar casi cualquier canción sin descargarla y de forma legal es impagable... y en este caso, también gratis.

Como reproductor musical, Spotify sorprende por su sencillez de uso. Busca una canción, un disco o artista, y en segundos estarás oyéndolo con una calidad excelente. El contenido está bien organizado y las listas de reproducción llevarán tu música favorita directamente a tus oídos.

Sin embargo, Spotify añade además un componente social a la música. Si enlazas tu cuenta de Facebook con la de Spotify, tendrás funciones especiales con las que conocerás los gustos musicales de tus amigos y podrás recomendarles temas mediante una bandeja de entrada, o a base de links para publicar en Facebook o Twitter.

Spotify se integra perfectamente con tu librería musical, sustituyendo los ficheros de streaming por los MP3 que tengas guardados previamente en tu ordenador. Y con la aplicación para móviles iPhone, Android y Blackberry (disponible sólo para usuarios Premium) tendrás sincronizada tu biblioteca allá donde vayas.


  • Puedes encontrar todo tipo de música

  • La calidad de las canciones es excelente

  • Comparte listas y recomendaciones con tus amigos

  • Integra la biblioteca musical de tu ordenador


  • El listado de las emisoras de radio es algo confuso

  • Algunos errores en el etiquetado de ficheros

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Descargar BurnAware Free 4.4 Gratis

Descargar BurnAware Free 4.4 Gratis


BurnAware te permite grabar discos de datos, vídeo o música (audioCD o MP3) en un disco CD, DVD o Blue-Ray.

Además, también puede grabar imágenes ISO en un disco o crear una imagen a partir de un CD/DVD propio.

BurnAware es compatible con la gran mayoría de grabadoras, verifica el disco grabado, tiene soporte para multisesiones y formatea discos.


  • Fácil y cómodo

  • Compatible con CD, DVD y Blu-Ray

  • Discos de música en MP3 o para cualquier dispositivo

  • Graba ISOs y las crea a partir de otro disco


  • No permite crear menús personalizados

  • No muestra el contenido de las imágenes ISO

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domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Descargar Maxthon Portable 3.23.1000 Gratis

Descargar Maxthon Portable 3.23.1000 Gratis


Maxthon Portable es el navegador que ya conoces, la alternativa a los grandes como Firefox o Chrome, pero con la ventaja de que puedes llevarlo en una memoria USB y estará ahí para lo que necesites.

La apariencia y funciones de Maxthon Portable son las mismas que las de la versión tradicional: una estética similar a la de Internet Explorer o Chrome, dos motores de renderizado, bloqueo de pop-ups y publicidad, sincronización de datos en la nube y mucho más.

Tener un navegador web preparado en cualquier ordenador es un lujo, y si además presenta la calidad y funciones de Maxthon Portable, simplemente no puedes pasar sin él en tu pendrive.


  • Portable y ligero

  • Dos motores de renderizado

  • Aspecto moderno, con vista doble

  • Sincronización con Maxthon Passport


  • Nada destacable

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Maxthon Portable


Descargar Samsung Kies Gratis

Descargar Samsung Kies Gratis


Si has comprado un móvil Samsung, Samsung Kies se convertirá en tu mejor aliado para sincronizarlo con tu PC, hacer copias de seguridad, ver las fotos que has hecho y mucho más.

Utilizar Samsung Kies es muy fácil, sobre todo gracias a una completísima guía a la que puedes acceder desde el mismo programa. Sabrás cómo gestionar tus contenidos, cómo convertir vídeos para verlos en tu teléfono, compartir tus fotos en Flickr, etc.

Para utilizar Samsung Kies, deberás conectar tu Samsung Galaxy o cualquier modelo compatible con el programa mediante el cable de tu dispositivo a tu PC. Una vez hecho esto Samsung Kies te mostrará todo lo que guardas en el teléfono. Arrastrar y soltar te bastará para por ejemplo, copiar las fotos que hiciste en la última fiesta.

Samsung Kies destaca por un cuidado diseño, que puedes personalizar a tu manera añadiendo widgets con las funciones que más utilices.

En definitiva, si quieres conectar tu teléfono móvil Samsung al PC para agilizar la gestión y administración de sus contenidos Samsung Kies es el programa que necesitas.


  • Inluye una guía de uso muy útil

  • Fácil de utilizar

  • Permite publicar contenido en Flickr y Youtube

  • Sincronización con Outlook

  • Diseño atractivo


  • La cantidad de opciones puede confundir

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Samsung Kies


sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Descargar Thunderbird Portable 9.0.1 (es-AR) Gratis

Descargar Thunderbird Portable 9.0.1 (es-AR) Gratis


Al igual que su pariente el navegador Firefox, el cliente de correo electrónico de Mozilla, Thunderbird, ya cuenta con su propia versión ?de bolsillo?.

Se trata de una versión de Thunderbird especialmente preparada para ejecutarse desde un dispositivo de memoria portátil USB (los conocidos como USBpen o pendrive). Sólo tienes que copiar los ficheros de Portable Thunderbird en tu dispositivo y podrás usar este cliente allá donde vayas, conectándolo al puerto USB del PC en cuestión.

Thunderbird Portable ha sido optimizado para que trabaje sin problemas con tu perfil personal desde cualquier PC, y te permita también seguir usando tus extensiones favoritas. Eso sí, durante la prueba del programa la extensión para cambiar el idioma a español no acabó de funcionar.

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Thunderbird Portable


Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (CA) Gratis

Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (CA) Gratis


Mozilla Thunderbird es el gestor de correo de la factoría Mozilla, responsables del archiconocido navegador Firefox. La particularidad de esta versión es que se encuentra totalmente traducida al catalán.

Entre sus principales características destacan sus potentes filtros de correo, lector RSS y de grupos de noticias integrados, clasificación de mensajes por etiquetas, historial de búsqueda de mensajes y lectura con pestañas.

La seguridad también es muy importante en Mozilla Thunderbird, con protección antifraude, detección de spam y actualizaciones automáticas.

Y al igual que Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird es compatible con temas y añadidos, que mejoran su apariencia y añaden más funciones a las que ya hay, y se puede personalizar fácilmente. Además, todos los menús y opciones de configuración de esta versión de Mozilla Thunderbird están en catalán.


  • Multicuenta

  • Filtros antispam

  • Lectura de RSS

  • Mejorable con extensiones

  • Soporte para pestañas


  • Soporte para correo Web mejorable

  • Interfaz poco manipulable

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Mozilla Thunderbird


viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (en-US) Gratis

Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (en-US) Gratis


Mozilla Thunderbird es el gestor de correo de la factoría Mozilla, responsables del archiconocido navegador Firefox.

Entre sus principales características destacan sus potentes filtros de correo, lector RSS y de grupos de noticias integrados, clasificación de mensajes por etiquetas, historial de búsqueda de mensajes y lectura con pestañas.

La seguridad también es muy importante en Mozilla Thunderbird, con protección antifraude, detección de spam y actualizaciones automáticas.

Y al igual que Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird es compatible con temas y añadidos, que mejoran su apariencia y añaden más funciones a las que ya hay, y se puede personalizar fácilmente.


  • Multicuenta

  • Filtros antispam

  • Lectura de RSS

  • Mejorable con extensiones

  • Soporte para pestañas


  • Soporte para correo Web mejorable

  • Interfaz poco manipulable

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Mozilla Thunderbird


Descargar GOM Media Player Gratis

Descargar GOM Media Player Gratis


Si quieres reproducir vídeos pero no quieres andar con complicaciones de códecs, GOM Media Player soluciona el tema.

Al incluir la mayoría de codecs (XviD, DivX, FLV1, AC3, OGG, MP4, H263, etc.), GOM Media Player evita que tengas que instalarlos. Además, si ya tenías codecs instalados en tu PC es tan amable de permitirte elegir cuáles utiliza, los tuyos o los incluidos en el programa.

GOM Media Player cuenta con tres modos de visualización: normal, alta calidad (para equipos potentes) y modo TV, pensado para reproducir conectando el PC al televisor. En cuanto a sus funciones estrella, GOM Media Player cuenta con un sistema patentado para reproducir archivos AVI corruptos o incompletos.

Por supuesto, como todo reproductor que se precie, GOM Media Player soporta subtítulos (SMI, SRT, RT, SUB): imprescindible para los amantes del cine en versión original. Para redondear el tema, GOM Player soporta skins, así que podrás personalizar su aspecto a tu gusto.

GOM MediaPlayer se ha ganado un merecido hueco de honor entre el selecto grupo de reproductores de vídeo.


  • Multitud de pieles personalizables

  • Muchos códecs incluidos

  • Alta calidad de reproducción

  • Búsqueda de códecs ausentes


  • Sin traducciones a otros idiomas

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GOM Media Player


jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Letra de Wild Love de The Doors

Letra de Wild Love de The Doors

My wild love went ridin'
She rode all the day
She wrote to the devil
And asked him to pay
The devil was wiser
It's time to repent
He asked her to give back
The money she spent

My wild love went ridin'
She rode to the sea
She gathered together
Some shells for her head
She rode and she rode on
She rode for a while
Then stopped for an evenin'
And lay her head down

She rode on to Christmas
She rode to the farm
She rode to Japan
And we entered a town
By this time the river
Had changed one degree
She asked for the people
To let her go free

My wild love is crazy
She screams like a bird
She moans like a cat
When she wants to be heard
My wild love went ridin'
She rode for an hour
She rode and she rested
And then she rode on
Ride, c'mon

Letra de When The Music's Over de The Doors

Letra de When The Music's Over de The Doors

Yeah, c'mon

When the music's over
When the music's over, yeah
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights, yeah

When the music's over
When the music's over
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights

For the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end
Until the end
Until the end

Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside

The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends
"Alive!" she cried
Waitin' for me

Before I sink
Into the big sleep
I want to hear
I want to hear
The scream of the butterfly

Come back, baby
Back into my arm
We're gettin' tired of hangin' around
Waitin' around with our heads to the ground

I hear a very gentle sound
Very near yet very far
Very soft, yeah, very clear
Come today, come today

What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn
And tied her with fences and dragged her down

I hear a very gentle sound
With your ear down to the ground
We want the world and we want it...
We want the world and we want it...

Persian night, babe
See the light, babe
Save us!
Save us!

So when the music's over
When the music's over, yeah
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights

Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end
Until the end
Until the end!

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Letra de Verdilac de The Doors

Letra de Verdilac de The Doors

I'm gonna hang on your neck just like a verdilac
Take you for a ride in my cadillac
Well I tried, I tried but I can't make you understand
Baby can't you see I'm more than just a man

If you don't bring me coffee in my favourite cup
You're make it necessary for me to conjure up

I'm gonna hang on your neck just like good luck
Take you for a ride in my cadillac
Well I tried, I tried but I can't make you understand

If you don't bring me coffee in my favourite cup
You're make it necessary for me to conjure up

Letra de Touch Me de The Doors

Letra de Touch Me de The Doors

Come on, come on,
Come on, come on
Now, touch me, babe.
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that you made?

Now, I'm gonna love you
'Til the heaven stops the rain.
I'm gonna love you
'Til the stars fall from the sky
For you and I.

Come on, come on,
Come on, come on
Now, touch me, babe.
Can't you see that I am not afraid?
What was that promise that you made?
Why won't you tell me what she said?
What was that promise that you made?

I'm gonna love you
'Til the heaven stops the rain.
I'm gonna love you
'Til the stars fall from the sky
For you and I.

I'm gonna love you
'Til the heaven stops the rain.
I'm gonna love you
'Til the stars fall from the sky
For you and I.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Letra de The Spy de The Doors

Letra de The Spy de The Doors

I'm a spy in the house of love.
I know the dream, that you're dreamin' on.
I know the words that you love to hear.
I know your deepest and secret fear.
I'm a spy in the house of love.
I know the dream, that you're dreamin' on.
I know the words that you love to hear.
I know your deepest and secret fear.
I know ev'rything. Ev'rything you do. Ev'rywhere you go.
Ev'ryone you know.

I'm a spy in the house of love.
I know the dreams, that you're dreamin' on.
I know the words that you love to hear.
I know your deepest and secret fear.
I know your deepest and secret fear.
I know your deepest and secret fear. I'm a spy, I can see
What you do.
And I know.

Letra de Tightrope Ride de The Doors

Letra de Tightrope Ride de The Doors

You're on a tightrope ride, nobody by your side
Well, you're all alone, gotta find a new home

Don't go over the line. You better keep on time
Or you'll lose your mind on your tightrope ride

Watch out, don't fall! Careful, don't slip!

You better get your balance, you have to feel the way
There are no more questions, no answers today

There are no reasons, there are no more rhymes
But if you feel it, you can fly next time
You can fly next time, or maybe this time

Did you think we were all together?
Did you think we were all the same?
Did you think maybe I could help you
Remember your name, remember the game
What's the name of the game

It's a very good game, never stays the same
It's the number one from mud to sun

You're on a tightrope ride, we're all by your side
But you're all alone, and we're going home
And we're by your side, but you're all alone
Like a Rolling Stone, like Brian Jones
On a tightrope ride

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Letra de The End de The Doors

Letra de The End de The Doors

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land ?

Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold
The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is callin' us
The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us ?

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
"Father ?", "yes son", "I want to kill you"
"Mother...I want to...fuck you"

C'mon baby, take a chance with us X3
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock, On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock, C'mon, yeah
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end, Beautiful friend
This is the end, My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end

Letra de Tell All The People de The Doors

Letra de Tell All The People de The Doors

Tell all the people that you see
Follow me
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
Set them free
Follow me down

You tell them they don't have to run
We're gonna pick up everyone
Come on, take me by the hand
Gonna bury all our troubles in the sand,
Oh yeah

Can't you see the wonder at your feet
Your life's complete
Follow me down
Can't you see me growing, get your guns
The time has come
To follow me down

Follow me across the sea
Where milky babies seem to be
Molded, flowing revelry
With the one that set them free

Tell all the people that you see
It's just me
Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see
Follow me
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
We'll be free
Follow me down

Tell all the people that you see
It's just me
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
Follow me
Follow me down

Follow me down You got to follow me down
Follow me down
Tell all the people that you see
We'll be free
Follow me down

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Letra de Strange Days de The Doors

Letra de Strange Days de The Doors

Strange days have found us.
Strange days have tracked us down.
They're going to destroy
Our casual joys.
We shall go on playing or find another town.

Strange eyes fill strange rooms.
Voices will signal their tired end.
The hostess is grinning.
Her guests sleep from sinning.
Hear me talk of sin and you know this is it.

Strange days have found us
And through their strange hours
We linger alone,
Bodies confused, memories misused,
As we run from the day
To a strange night of stone.

Letra de The Palace Of Exile de The Doors

Letra de The Palace Of Exile de The Doors

For seven years I dwelt
In the loose palace of exile,
Playing strange games
With the girls of the island.
Now I have come again
To the land of the fair, & the strong, & the wise.

Brothers & sisters of the pale forest
Children of Night
Who among you will run with the hunt?

Now Night arrives with her purple legion.
Retire now to your tents & to your dreams.
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth.
I want to be ready.

The Doors! The Doors!
We're out of time, thank you very much. We're out of time.

All right, we've got time for one more, let's do it one more

Letra de Someday Soon de The Doors

Letra de Someday Soon de The Doors

Someday soon
Someday soon
Familiar freaks will fill your living room
Rugs lash out there lizard tongues
Your not getting young
Your not getting young

But your going to die
And your going to be needing all of your eyes

You'll be all alone
When the cannibals cry
All by your self
Inside infancy's lie

Someday soon
Someday soon
Television bleeding like a harvest moon
Flush the scissors down the hole
Your getting old
Your getting old

And I hate to remind you but your going to die
And your going to be needing all of your lies

You'll be all alone
When the cannibals cry
All by yourself
Inside infancy's lie

Someday soon
Someday soon
Someday soon
Someday soon

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Letra de Rock Me de The Doors

Letra de Rock Me de The Doors

Want you to rock me
Rock me all night long
Rock me baby
Rock me all night long

Want you to rock me
'Till I sing my song

See the sun goin' down
Moon begin to rise
See the sun goin' down
Moon begin to rise
Want you to rock me
'Till I'm satisfied
Let's rock awhile

Sun goin' down
Little moon begin to rise
Sun goin' down
Little moon begin to rise
Want you to rock me, little darlin'
'Till I'm satisfied
Let's rock awhile

See me comin', mama
Bring out that old rockin' chair
See me comin', mama
Bring out your rocking chair
No one's watching us
And god knows, no one cares
One more time

Want you to rock me, baby
Rock me all night long
Rock me baby
Rock me all night long
You gotta rock me, little woman
Rock me all night long

Letra de Petition The Lord With Prayer de The Doors

Letra de Petition The Lord With Prayer de The Doors

When I was back there in seminary school
There was a person there
Who put forth the proposition
That you can petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
You cannot petition the lord with prayer!

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Letra de Orange County Suite de The Doors

Letra de Orange County Suite de The Doors

Well I used to know someone fair.
She had orange ribbons in her hair.
She was such a trip,
She was hardly there.
But I loved her
Just the same.

There was rain in our window,
The FM set was ragged.
But she could talk, yeah
We learned to speak
And one year
Has gone by.

Such a long long road to seek it,
All we did was break and freak it.
We had all
That lovers ever had.
We just blew it,
And I'm not sad.

Well I'm mad,
And I'm bad.

And two years
Have gone by.
Now her world was bright orange,
And the fire glowed.
And her friend had a baby,
And she lived with us.
Yeah, we broke through the window.
Yeah, we knocked on the door.
Her phone would not answer,
Yeah, but she's still home.

Now her father has passed over,
And her sister is a star.
And her mother smokes diamonds,
And she sleeps out in the car.
Yeah, but she remembers Chicago.
The musicians and guitars
And grass by the lake
And people who laughed,
And made her poor heart ache.

Now we live down in the valley.
We work out on the farm.
We climb up to the mountains,
And everything's fine.
And I'm still here.
And you're still there.
And we're still around.

Letra de Mystery Train de The Doors

Letra de Mystery Train de The Doors

Mystery Train
Train arrive
Sixteen coaches long.
Train arrive
Sixteen coaches long.
Well that mean old train,
Took my baby;
He's gone.
Train, train
Coming 'round the bend.
Train, train
Coming 'round the bend.
Yeah that mean old evil train
Took my one and only friend.
Train, train
Coming down the line.
Train, train
Coming down the line.
Well that mean old rotten train
Took the only friend of mine.
Train, train
Coming down the track.
Train, train
Coming down the track.
Yeah he took my baby
And he never bring her back, alright.
Whoo, whoo.
Train, train
Come and gone.
Took my baby,
Took my baby,
Took my love
Well I woke up this morning, yeah.
Nothing on my mind.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

Letra de Moonlight Drive de The Doors

Letra de Moonlight Drive de The Doors

Let's swim to the moon,
let's climb through the tide.
Penetrate the,
evening that the,
city sleeps to hide.
Let's swim out tonight love,
it's our time to try.
Park besides the ocean,
on our moonlight drive.

Let's swim to the moon,
let's climb through the tide.
Surrender to the waking world,
that laps against our side
Nothing left open and no time to decide.
We'll stop into a river on our moonlight drive.

Let's swim to the moon.
Let's climb through the tide.
You'll reach your hand to hold me,
but I can't be your guide.
It's easy to love you as I watch you glide.
We're falling through wet forests on our moonlight drive.
moonlight drive.
Come on baby, gonna take a little ride.
Come on. Down by the ocean side.
Get real close, get real tight.

Letra de Maggie m'gill de The Doors

Letra de Maggie m'gill de The Doors

Miss Maggie M'Gill she lived on a hill.
Her daddy got drunk and left her the will.
So she went down down to "Tangie Town."
People down there Really like to get it on.
Now if you're sad, And you're feeling blue.
Go out and buy a Brand new pair of shoes.
And you go down, Down to "Tangie Town."
The people down there really like to get it on.
Get it on. Illegitimate son Of a rock n' roll star.
Illegitimate son of a rock n' roll star.
Mom met dad in the back f a rock n' roll car.
Well, I'm an old blues man and I think that you understand.
I've been singing the blues ever since the world began.
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie M'Gill. Roll on, roll on, Maggie M'Gill.
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie M'Gill. Roll on, roll on, Maggie M'Gill.

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Letra de Love Her Madly de The Doors

Letra de Love Her Madly de The Doors

Don't you love her madly?
Don't you need her badly?
Don't you love her ways?
Tell me what you say.

Don't you love her madly?
Wanna be her daddy?
Don't you love her face?
Don't you love her as
She's walkin' out the door
Like she did one thousand times before?

Don't you love her ways?
Tell me what you say.
Don't you love her as
She's walkin' out the door?

All your love..
All your love..
All your love..
All your love..
All your love is gone
So sing a lonely song
Of a deep blue dream.
Seven horses seem
To be on the mark.

Yeah, don't you love her?
Don't you love her as
She's walkin' out the door?

All your love..
All your love..
All your love..
Yeah, all your love is gone
So sing a lonely song
Of a deep blue dream.
Seven horses seem
To be on the mark.

Don't you love her madly?
Now, don't you love her madly?
Well, don't you love her madly?

Letra de Light My Fire de The Doors

Letra de Light My Fire de The Doors

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn't get much higher

Come on baby, light my fire (2x)
Time to set the night on fire

The time to hesitate is through
There's no time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre

Come on baby, light my fire (2x)
Try to set the night on fire

The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre

Come on baby, light my fire (2x)
Try to set the night on fire, yeah

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I were to say to you
Girl, we couldn't get much higher

Come on baby, light my fire (2x)
Try to set the night on fire (4x)

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Letra de L'america de The Doors

Letra de L'america de The Doors

I took a trip down to L'America
To trade some beads for a pint of gold
I took a trip down to L'America
To trade some beads for a pint of gold
L'America, L'America, L'America
L'America, L'America, L'America

Come on people, don't you look so down
You know the rain man is coming to town
He'll change your weather, change your luck
And it'll teach you how to
Find yourself

Friendly strangers came to town
All the people put them down
But the women loved their ways
Come again some other day
Like the gentle rain
Like the gentle rain
That falls

I took a trip down to L'America
To trade some beads for a pint of gold
I took a trip down to L'America
To trade some beads for a pint of gold
L'America, L'America, L'America
L'America, L'America, L'America

Letra de I'm Horny, I'm Stoned de The Doors

Letra de I'm Horny, I'm Stoned de The Doors

Well I'm tired, I'm nervous, I'm bored, I'm stoned
Don't you know life aint so easy when you're on your own
I'm lonely, I'm ugly, I'm horny, I'm cold
Don't you know life aint so easy when you're on your own
Leaving home

Well I got ripped off, wiped out, I got burned
Don't you know life aint so easy when you're on your own
I feel my mind is shaking out of place
I look like a truck ran over my face
The doctor says I'm not a hopeless case
I really want to join the human race

Well I got ripped off, wiped out, I got burned
Don't you know life aint so easy when you're on your own
Well I'm tired, I'm nervous, I'm bored, I'm stoned
Don't you know life aint so easy when you're on your own
Leaving home, on your own
On your own

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Letra de Hyacinth House de The Doors

Letra de Hyacinth House de The Doors

What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?
What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?
To please the lions in this day

I need a brand new friend who doesn't bother me
I need a brand new friend who doesn't trouble me
I need someone and who doesn't need me

I see the bathroom is clear
I think that somebody's near
I'm sure that someone is following me, oh yeah

Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts away?
Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts away?
It was the only card in the deck that I had left to play

And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend
And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend
And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend, the end

Letra de Heroin de The Doors

Letra de Heroin de The Doors

I don't know just where I'm going
But I'm gonna try for the kingdom, if I can
'Cause it makes me feel like I'm a man
When I put a spike into my vein
And I'll tell ya, things aren't quite the same
When I'm rushing on my run
And I feel just like Jesus' son
And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know
I have made the big decision
I'm gonna try to nullify my life
'Cause when the blood begins to flow
When it shoots up the dropper's neck
When I'm closing in on death
And you can't help me now, you guys
And all you sweet girls with all your sweet talk
You can all go take a walk
And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know
I wish that I was born a thousand years ago
I wish that I'd sail the darkened seas
On a great big clipper ship
Going from this land here to that
In a sailor's suit and cap
Away from the big city
Where a man can not be free
Of all of the evils of this town
And of himself, and those around
Oh, and I guess that I just don't know
Oh, and I guess that I just don't know
Heroin, be the death of me
Heroin, it's my wife and it's my life
Because a mainer to my vein
Leads to a center in my head
And then I'm better off and dead
Because when the smack begins to flow
I really don't care anymore
About all the Jim-Jim's in this town
And all the politicians makin' crazy sounds
And everybody puttin' everybody else down
And all the dead bodies piled up in mounds
'Cause when the smack begins to flow
Then I really don't care anymore
Ah, when the heroin is in my blood
And that blood is in my head
Then thank God that I'm as good as dead
Then thank your God that I'm not aware
And thank God that I just don't care
And I guess I just don't know
And I guess I just don't know

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Letra de Hang on to your life de The Doors

Letra de Hang on to your life de The Doors

Hang on to Your Life

Sweet bird of prey you've gone below
All soft and black it's time to grow
Don't be afraid to touch the light
Don't run from love in the starless night

Hang on to your life it's begun now
Hang on paradise here we come now
Life is like the wind, where does it begin?

Time come again, where's your day now?
Bring me your sunlight, it's the way now
Just spread your wings and taste the sky
It's time to laugh, it's time to fly
The mountain air is clear and bright
Your shadow world is endless night

Hang on to your life it's begun now
Hang on paradise here we come now

Hang on to your life it's begun now
Hang on paradise here we come now
Life is like the wind, where's it gonna end?

Descargar Scribus 1.4.0 Gratis

Descargar Scribus 1.4.0 Gratis


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Letra de Ghost Song de The Doors

Letra de Ghost Song de The Doors

Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and choose the sign of your day
The day’s divinity
First thing you see.

A vast radiant beach in a cool jeweled moon
Couples naked race down by it’s quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us.

Choose they croon the ancient ones
The time has come again
Choose now, they croon
Beneath the moon
Beside an ancient lake

Enter again the sweet forest
Enter the hot dream
Come with us
Everything is broken up and dances.

Indians scattered,
On dawn's highway bleeding
Ghosts crowd the young child’s,
Fragile eggshell mind

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Letra de Me Basta de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Me Basta de Fernando Delgadillo

Me basta el sol,
si en tu mirada
se refleja y viene a mi

Me basta el día
si es contigo y soy feliz

Me basta el silencio
cuando es tuyo y significa comprensión

Me basto yo
si tu me quieres como soy

Me basta tu paso
si el camino es de los dos

Me basta tu tiempo
y en esta espera no hay dolor

Me basta tu vuelo
para llegar hasta el cielo
y si no llego no me importa
pues lo llevo en mi interior

Desde que te basto yo

Me basta tu paso
si el camino es de los dos

Me basta tu tiempo
y en esta espera no hay dolor

Me basta tu vuelo
para llegar hasta el cielo
y si no llego no me importa
pues lo llevo en mi interior


Letra de Los Primeros Seis Minutos de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Los Primeros Seis Minutos de Fernando Delgadillo

Zumbando el pequeño despertador
Anuncia el sol de hoy
Y desde muy temprano
Despertar con el sabor y acaso
Hasta el vago rozar de tu caricia bajo sábanas
Apenas hace frío y se presiente humedad afuera
Que te dispone una razón
Para quedarte un día de cama
O el deber que acaba en hambre
Debes ir a almorzar
No te convences y te vences
'Qué flojera', dirás
'Tener que trabajar'

Algo para no ir se te ocurrió
Porque hoy no puedes ir, no
Dirás que el día de hoy
No estás muy saludable y sana, que digamos
Sientes la gripe o algún mal igual de malo
¿Un poco de calentura
Estás segura que no tienes?... no
Tal vez te duela la cabeza
Y te desmayes cuando intentes levantar
Te oiga mamá y diga: 'Descansa en paz hoy hija mía
No vas a trabajar'

Pero no pasa nada de esto, es más
Te desespera la rutina
'Qué flojera', dirás
Después de todo no será tan importante
Comprar una que otra ropa nueva
Y a quién le importa la apertura
De la cuenta y el regalo a papá
Menos el carro y el viaje
Te detienes para reconsiderar
Y desde ropa nueva
Vuelves a comenzar

'Tal vez no estoy tan moribunda', dirás
Todavía es muy temprano
Y de una buena vez
Mides el tiempo
Y no han pasado seis minutos
Ya en otras veces te has hallado en más apuros
Y bañarte no te lleva nunca más
Arriba de cinco
Te desperezas y levantas
Con un brinco de la cama
Y al cruzar justo y enfrente
A la ventana dirás:
'Puede ser un gran día'
Lo dijo un catalán

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Letra de La Mu Peda de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de La Mu Peda de Fernando Delgadillo

Se arrastra por los rincones,
y paseaba bajo las mesas,
se agarraba de los sillones,
la pobre muñeca (perdón, perdón).... peda.

Un brazito ya se vomitó,
su faldita esta llena de orín,
al dormirse un zapato perdió,
y trae roto el calcetín.

Muñequita —le dijo el del bar,
ya no te hagas tontita,
ya quiero cerrar,
tus amigos los 15 ratones
dijeron que el ultimo iba a pagar...

La cuenta te voy a decir:
cuarenta cervezas y Passport Scotch,
desde Chivas Regal hasta Fundador,
cigarros, botanas y un frasco de anís,
también la propina y un ron Potosí.

Letra de La Recuerdo Asi de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de La Recuerdo Asi de Fernando Delgadillo

Mejor la cama destendida que tu ausencia a mi lado,
mejor sus besos que tu nombre en mi boca
y yo primaverA y otoño en menos de una hora
mientras la conozco se va uniendo a mi olvido.

Esto es un trorrillo, un espiral, un ciclo...
esto de no tenerte y buscarte en pechos desconocidos
en un nombre que no recuerdo
en un vientre al que no vuelvo
es un punto más a la lista de fracasos que guardo en el cajón
junto a tu recuerdo.

La recuerdo asi
como luz de dia que deslumbra en el umbral
como casa de muñecas todo en su lugar
con todo dispuesto para empezar a jugar
tenia tantas ganas para empezar a jugar

La recuerdo asi
como la promesa que le hice y no cumpli
no importa este mundo en contra me tienes a mi
pero cuando le hice falta ya no estaba alli
le hice tanta falta y ya no me encontraba alli

La recuerdo asi
me dijo no digas nada calla y no la oi
solo queria un beso dulce antes de partir
no queria que la mirara llorar nuestro fin
no queria que la mirara llorar este fin

La recuerdo asi
con el nudo en la garganta y ganas de mentir
y decirme todo va a estar bien si tu no estas aqui
no soy la primera y no eres el ultimo asi
no soy la primera y no eres el ultimo asi

Letra de La BañEra de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de La BañEra de Fernando Delgadillo

Te sorprendí a través del cristal de la bañera
cuando una puerta abierta me invitó a mirar la escena
de tu piel que entre las nubes de vapor se humedece y sedespierta

El agua cae constante, te recorre y busca el suelo
recuerdo que en la tarde era yo quien medía tu cuerpo
con la constancia de quien descubre eso que anda buscando
y aún así se da su tiempo

Y te miro a través del cristal de la bañera
recoges el jabón y me concentro en tus caderas
lo pasas por tu piel tan dulcemente que le envidio su carrera

Tus gestos no se ven ni se ve el color de tus ojos
disueltos con vapor tus labios no llevan su tono usual de rojo
y el tono de tu piel siempre contra el de la pared
resulta en curva, contornos, jabón y espuma
el remedio para mi sed, digo bien para mi sed

Te estoy mirando a través del cristal de la bañera
lo miro casi todo y todo lo que veo me ciega
no te he llamado y tú en tu intimidad no te das cuenta
pensaba visitarte y tú tan bella e indispuesta
que me decidí a marcharme pero no a cerrar la puerta
para verte cuando escribo y no sea que desaparezca

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Letra de Intrusiones De Diez Mozos de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Intrusiones De Diez Mozos de Fernando Delgadillo

Revisé el ministrilete
y la manera como actuó;
vi que tuvo algo de suerte
y con engaños me enredó.
Pero me dije en secreto:
'ahora no lo dejo hablar...
vamos a acosarlo, sí,
hasta que empiece a confesar
que no es de ninguna forma
un sabio, sino un charlatán.'
Y al final de sus cantares
yo fingí una falsa tos,
le robé algunos aplausos
y exclamé con recia voz.
-Diré lo que opinan todos;
pero ¿qué escuchamos, saco?
diantres, que ha llevado usted
una vida de bellaco.
Nada tiene de ejemplar
su existencia aventurera,
como no sea el espantar
al niño que va a la escuela,
lo que le puede pasar
si no cumple sus tareas.
Bochorno debería darle,
y habla de conocimientos,
de lecciones; y aún le aplauden,
pamplinas sin fundamentos.
Ha faltado a esta asamblea,
ya sólo para acabar,
que se estiren las orejas
y empiecen a rebuznar.
Así que en este momento
le ruego tome sus cuentas,
enseñanzas y canciones,
para que tome el camino
por el rumbo que ha venido,
como vino a dar lecciones
que nadie le había pedido.
Ande ya, vuelva al sendero
de la perdición sin demorar;
no necesitamos, gracias,
sus lecciones, por ahora.
El bribón cruzó los brazos
y ya no me cupo más duda,
y dije: -me supongo que
tal vez necesita usted ayuda.
y a la gente hice notar
que precisaba voluntarios.
Vinieron diez mozos fuertes,
me cogieron entre varios
para arrojarme a la fuente
y desoír mis comentarios.
Yo volé como un palomo
no me alcancé a resistir;
y luego rugió un gran coro:
-Cese ya de interrumpir.
Más yo no había dicho todo,
así que me puse en pie
con porte altivo y bizarro,
y de pronto... ¡achú!, estornudé,
presa de un fuerte catarro.
-Así que... ¡achú!- Comencé-.
Dijo usted que... ¡achú, achú!
¿A quién pretende engañar?
Y él me dijo:
-Salud... oiga, pare ya de estornudar,
¿es alergia?
-No, catarro-Contesté
cuando sacaba
de la chaqueta el pañuelo
que mi nariz precisaba.
-Espero no intente usted
sonarse aquí, frente a todos.
-Dijo y agregó discreto:
-Mostraría muy malos modos.
-¡Caramba! con su permiso
-me excusé-. Tiene razón,
un público distinguido
siempre exige educación;
no tardo ni un momentito.
Y me escurrí con sigilo,
intentando al retirarme
el pasar inadvertido.
Él asintió comprensivo
mientras desvió la mirada,
para examinar sus dedos
de uñas algo maltratadas.
Luego, revisó la suela
de su bota agujereada,
y por último a una piedra,
le dio una buena patada.
Yo me soné la nariz
con seis fuertes bocinazos.
La gente fingió no oír
mientras se cruzó de brazos.
Volví un poco arrepentido
pero bastante aliviado
y ocupé un modesto sitio,
aún tímido y remojado.
-Ande, venga, cuente usted
algo que nos quiera contar.
Dijo alguien, y yo agregué:
-Conde Bruno del Breñal.
Que al escucharse nombrado
recobró la compostura;
se irguió y exclamó arrogante
con soberbia y apostura.
-Conde Bruno, conde Bruno,
conde Bruno ese soy yo:
Así me decía una princesita
que me conoció.
Ni son quién para saberlo,
ni debía contarlo yo,
pero cuando era un mancebo
mis amores tuve con la hijita
casta y consentida
de incauto señor feudal.
Que se iba de cacería
dejando libre el lugar
que un ufano, si es galano,
siempre puede aprovechar.
De modo que así comienza
y para su conocimiento
esta historia que no es cuento,
aunque alguno así lo piense.
La princesa ha estado triste,
que triste, triste no estaba,
pera la falta de sueño
la tenía desmejorada.

Letra de Eva En Las Frutas de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Eva En Las Frutas de Fernando Delgadillo

Temporada de mangos,
Llega la primavera,
Todo apunta a las tardes
Que marzo sabe mentir.
Y las horas no son largas,
Y tampoco me liberan,
Con sus sueños de manzana
que se deja conseguir.

Hay aromas de convivió
Y sorpresa en las frutas,
En el animo del viento
Por el que ha visto partir
Las rojas hojas de invierno
Que trajeron uvas agridulces del pasado
Y las del porvenir.

Hay camino a todos lados,
Se abandonan las dudas
Y lo sigues hasta donde
quieres llegar con él
cosechando con paciencia
en la captura y la aventura,
los sabores de la vida,
con su dulce y con su hiel.

Se escasearon las peras
Y aparecen las sandias.
Hoy te viene recordando
Alguna voz, fuente de ayer.
Tengo un sueño de naranjas
Y, en las horas tardías,
Sufro ausencia de duraznos
Que yo no se han vuelto a ver.

Y aquí es donde ha entrado el mango
Con su dulce de amarillos,
Con sus hebras de la vida
No abandones mi sabor.
Y el quizás de otro febrero,
Me entretiene mi sin destino,
Endulzando el jugo de uva
Y el refresco de limón.

En la mesa hay un platón
Que abunda en frutas positivas,
Que el cuchillo del olvido
Abre en los cuadros del mantel.
Luego me ha vuelto su cómplice
La atónita sonrisa,
Con que me convida el mango,
Y yo, me dejo convencer,
De que ya todo está en orden,
Que se van juntando días,
Que mi mundo mandarina
Se ha empezado a componer.

Otro mango, y otro día,
De esa tarde que te marches,
Que las sombras fugitivas
Se escabullen a la par.
De los cítricos sabores
De Manila y de las manchas
Que me dejaron tu ausencia
Y este regazo invernal.

En el comienzo de tantas mañanas,
Por las mañanas que ya no serán
Temporada de mangos,
Viene la primavera.
Todo apunta a las tardes
Que marzo sabe esconder.

Y una cascara en mi plato
Que ahora ya no guarda nuevas,
Viene sugiriendo un cuadro
Que al saberle sin pared,
Le hallo conclusiones propias,
Le imagino... mariposa,
Amarilla mariposa
Que huye a las tardes de ayer.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Letra de Holiday de Madonna

Letra de Holiday de Madonna

Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
If we took a holiday
Took some time to celebrate
Just one day out of life
It would be, it would be so nice
Everybody spread the word
We´re gonna have a celebration
All across the world
In every nation
It´s time for the good times
Forget about the bad times, oh yeah
One day to come together
To release the pressure
We need a holiday
You can turn this world around
And bring back all of those happy days
Put your troubles down
It´s time to celebrate
Let love shine
And we will find
A way to come together
And make things better
We need a holiday
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday, Celebration
Come together in every nation

Letra de His Card de Madonna

Letra de His Card de Madonna

Without a sound I took her down
and dressed in red and blue I squeezed
Imaginary wedding gown
That you can't wear in front of me
A kiss goodbye, your twisted shell
As rice grains and roses fall at your feet
Lets say goodbye, the hundreth time
And then tomorrow we'll do it again

I dragged her down I put her out
And back there I left her where no one could see
And lifeless cold into this well
I stared as this moment was held for me
A kiss goodbye, your twisted shell
As rice grains and roses fall at your feet
Lets say goodbye, the hundreth time
And then tomorrow we'll do it again

martes, 10 de enero de 2012

Letra de Hello And Goodbye de Madonna

Letra de Hello And Goodbye de Madonna

Hello and goodbye, I just unemployed you
You can go back to school
You've had a good run, I'm sure he enjoyed you
Don't act sad or surprised, let's be friends, civilized

Come on little one, don't sit there like a dummy
The day you knew would arrive is here, you'll survive
So move, funny face

I like your conversation, you've a catchy turn of phrase
You're obviously going through some adolescent phase

So what happens now?
So what happens now?
Where am I going to?
(Peron:) You'll get by, you always have before
(Mistress:) Where am I going to?

Letra de He's A Man de Madonna

Letra de He's A Man de Madonna

All work and no play,
Makes Dick a dull dull boy, career gets in the way.
Square jaw, ooo, such a handsome face,
Why do you have to save the human race?

Life of crime, no it never pays,
Clean up the streets and make your secret get-away.
All alone, in your room with your radio,
No one to hold you, had to let her go.


You're a man with a gun in your hand,
Waging a war between good and evil can be a bore.
If you don't take time, it's not nice,
So here's my advice:
Take your love on the run,
Oh God, let me be the one.
Ah, ah, ah, man with a gun

All boss and no brains,
Bullies and thugs, they take up all your time in vain.
Can't let go, someone cries and you hear the call,
Who's gonna catch you, don't good guys ever fall?


All alone, in your room with your radio,
No one to hold you, I would never let you go.

(chorus, with last line:)
'Cause I can show you some fun

(spoken) And I don't mean with a gun. No.

You are a man with a gun in your hand;
Waging a war between good and evil can be a bore.
If you don't take time, it's not nice,
So here's my advice:
Take your love on the run,
Oh God, let me be the one.
Ah, ah, ah, man with a gun, take it out of your hand;

Waging a war between good and evil can be a bore.
If you don't make time, it's not nice,
So here's my advice:
Take your love on the run,

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Letra de Guilty By Association de Madonna

Letra de Guilty By Association de Madonna

You've been sanctified
And I've been tried
Guilty by association

You've been canonized
And I've been fried
Guilty by association

All the little loonies
With a salient obsession
Come out from the boonies
With their sharpies and their guns
And we're loaded with questions

Guilty by association
Guilty by association

You've been idolized
And I've been tried
(Spoken:) [I've been tried]
Guilty by association

You've been terrorized
And I've been fried
Guilty by association

All the little loonies
With a salient obsession
Come out from the boonies
With their sharpies and their guns
They're all loaded with questions

Loaded with questions

Letra de Goodnight And Thank You de Madonna

Letra de Goodnight And Thank You de Madonna

Goodnight and thank you Huevo
She is in every magazine
Been photographed, seen, she is known
We don't like to rush, but your case has been packed
If she's missed anything, you could give her a ring
But she won't always answer the phone

Oh but it's sad when a love affair dies
But we have pretended enough
It's best that we both stop fooling ourselves

Which means ...


(Che and Eva:)
There is noone, noone at all
Never has been, and never will be a lover, male or female
Who hasn't an eye on, in fact they rely on
Tricks they can try on their partner
They're hoping their lover will help them or keep them
Support them, promote them
Don't blame them, you're the same

Goodnight and thank you Emilio
You've completed your task
What more can we ask of you now?
Please sign the book on the way out the door
And that will be all, if she needs you she'll call
But I don't think that's likely somehow

Oh but it's sad when a love affair dies
But when we were hot, we were hot
I know you'll look back on the good times we've shared
Which means ...

(chorus, substituting "blame her" for "blame
them", sung only by Che)

There is no soap, no soap like Zaz
No detergent, lotion, or oil with such power in the shower
It's the mother and father of luxury lather
The talk of the bath, the great ointment
One little frolic with new Zaz carbolic
You're scented, you'll be sent

Goodnight and thank you Senor Jabon
We are grateful you found her a spot on the sound radio
We'll think of you every time she's on the air
We'd love you to stay but you'd be in the way
So do up your trousers and go

Oh but it's sad when a love affair dies
The decline into silence and doubt
Our passion was just too intense to survive

Which means ...

This is a club I should never have joined
Someone has made us look fools
Argentine men call the sexual shots
Someone has altered the rules

Fame on the wireless as far as it goes
Is all very well but every girl knows

She needs a man she can monopolize
With fingers in dozens of different pies


domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

Letra de Crash de Papa Roach

Letra de Crash de Papa Roach

I refuse to be your victim
I refuse to be your slave
I keep on burning my bridges
I keep on fucking up everything
Running from desperation
God knows where I've been
I don't know where I'm headed
but I'm going to fast I think I'm going to crash

I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
To crash Yeah

It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal

Looking at my reflection
I don't like what I see
so I ask myself a question
do I got what I want
or do I got what I need?
I'm not affraid of the future
I'm spinning right outta control
I dont know where im headed
but I'm going to fast I think I'm going to crash

I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
To crash Yeah

It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal
It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal

I refuse to be your victim
I don't wanna fall again
I know where I'm headed
God knows where I've been

I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
to crash Yeah

It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal
It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal

Live love life
Live love fight
Live love life
Live love fight

Letra de Crash de Papa Roach

Letra de Crash de Papa Roach

I refuse to be your victim
I refuse to be your slave
I keep on burning my bridges
I keep on fucking up everything
Running from desperation
God knows where I've been
I don't know where I'm headed
but I'm going to fast I think I'm going to crash

I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
To crash Yeah

It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal

Looking at my reflection
I don't like what I see
so I ask myself a question
do I got what I want
or do I got what I need?
I'm not affraid of the future
I'm spinning right outta control
I dont know where im headed
but I'm going to fast I think I'm going to crash

I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
To crash Yeah

It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal
It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal

I refuse to be your victim
I don't wanna fall again
I know where I'm headed
God knows where I've been

I'm going to crash
I'm going to crash
to crash Yeah

It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal
It's time for annihilation
It's time to be a criminal
No time for hesistation
Time to be an animal

Live love life
Live love fight
Live love life
Live love fight

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Letra de Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Miami Spanglish Mix) de Madonna

Letra de Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Miami Spanglish Mix) de Madonna

[Evita, Evita, Evita, Evita]
[Evita, Evita, Evita]

It won't be easy, you'll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still your love after all that I've done

You won't believe me
All you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you

I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel
Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun

So I chose freedom
Running around, trying everything new
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to


No llores por mi Argentina
Mi alma esta contigo
Mi vida entera, te la dedico
Mas no te alejes

Te necesito
Don't cry for me Argentina
My soul is with you
My whole life, I dedicate to you
Don't keep your distance

I need you

And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired

They are illusions
They're not the solutions they promise to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me



No llores por mi Argentina
Jamas yo te he abandonado
Aunque en silencio, mi alma te grita
Hoy y por siempre
[Soy Argentina]
Soy Argentina
Don't cry for me Argentina
I have never left you
Although in silence, my soul cries to you
Now and forever
[I am Argentina]
I am Argentina )

[Ahh, so I chose freedom for Argentina, ahh]
[No llores por mi]

[Evita, Evita, Evita, Evita]
[Evita, Evita, Evita]

So I chose freedom
Running around, trying everything new
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to


No llores por mi

Have I said too much?
There's nothing more I can think of to say to you.
But all you have to do is look at me to know

Letra de Did You Do It? de Madonna

Letra de Did You Do It? de Madonna

Tick tick tock, Mo is on the jock
I did her in the limo as we went around the block
Sucked the mole on her hip, licked the lipstick off her lip
She got real excited, yo she started to flip
She says 'Dre baby 'Dre baby oh
I said just relax, yo chill Mo
We made a right turn onto Central Park West
One hand gripped the car, the other on her breast


Did you do it? Ya know I did it
Did you do it? Ya know I did it
Did you do it? Ya know I did it
I let the seat recline and I hit it
Did you do it? I said I did it
Did you do it? I said I did it
Did you do it? I said I did it
But I backed out quick because I thought I split it

Waiting for you, just waiting
Waiting for you
Waiting for you, just waiting
Waiting for you

Uh, Ho's in the front for the 1990's
Walkin' around showing off their hinies
Wigglin' they're jigglin' they're swingin' and flingin'
9-7-0 Yo Ho, your phone's ringin'
You get a call from your John, you meet him at the mot'
He's chillin' in a pamper and a fur coat
Your head starts spinnin', you drunk too much gin in
Your jaw starts grinnin', and this is the beginnin'
Of a night of an average Ho
It ain't all about working on the streets no more
Here's another episode of dropping off a load
Peter was on the beater, I was about to explode
I couldn't hold back [so whadja do]
I took her to my place [yo, did she sit on your face]
She was so good just like uh, Campbell's soup
I won't try to front so here's the rude scoop
I dipped it and I stripped it and I ripped it like before
I had her screamin', nope no diddily, nope no more
I can't stop once I get started
But yo honey, uh, get them legs parted

Waiting for you, just waiting
Waiting for you
Waiting for you, just waiting
Waiting for you


They come with the rough stuff, boy we hit it, split it, and
forgit it
In the same order as ya hear, boy I'm not frontin' [me not
Don't ask what, me tell ya the truth, you understand me eye?
The iron eye can get busy, you know what I'm saying?
Clean up me rifle, clean up me rifle
Clean up me rifle, me elephant rifle
Clean up me rifle, you clean up me rifle
Clean up me rifle, elephant rifle

I flipped her from the top of my head, enough said
I'm the brother with the short short dreads
A couple different styles, a couple different 'fros
Just some that my souls about some girls I know
I gotta hit it hard because I go for the gusto
And I cover up the moans by turnin' up my stereo


You didn't do it, he didn't do it
I made her go

Waiting for you, just waiting
Waiting for you

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Letra de Cocaine de Papa Roach

Letra de Cocaine de Papa Roach

Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol

Letra de Cocaine de Papa Roach

Letra de Cocaine de Papa Roach

Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy, and alcohol

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Letra de Carry Me de Papa Roach

Letra de Carry Me de Papa Roach

I've been looking for something sacred
Running away from the light
Gotta burn all the bridges in my head
That lead me away from my life
I question my own existence
Question the meaning of life

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on, I can't live on
Carry me
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me, I am crazy, without you

It takes horns to hold up my halo
And strength to get through the fight
Now I'm laying my cards on the table
Praying everything will be alright
I question my own existence
Question the meaning of life

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on, I can't live on
Carry me
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me, I am crazy, without you

The hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on, I can't leave on
Carry me
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me, I am crazy, without you

I can't save me, I am crazy
The hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most
Carry me

Letra de Carry Me de Papa Roach

Letra de Carry Me de Papa Roach

I've been looking for something sacred
Running away from the light
Gotta burn all the bridges in my head
That lead me away from my life
I question my own existence
Question the meaning of life

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on, I can't live on
Carry me
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me, I am crazy, without you

It takes horns to hold up my halo
And strength to get through the fight
Now I'm laying my cards on the table
Praying everything will be alright
I question my own existence
Question the meaning of life

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on, I can't live on
Carry me
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me, I am crazy, without you

The hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most

Why don't you carry me?
Why don't you carry me?
I can't move on, I can't leave on
Carry me
Why don't you carry me?
I can't save me, I am crazy, without you

I can't save me, I am crazy
The hardest ones to love are the ones that need it most
Carry me

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Letra de Born With Nithing & Die With Everything de Papa Roach

Letra de Born With Nithing & Die With Everything de Papa Roach

Fed up and tired...
I'm sick and twisted...
For my one man army...
I am enlisted...
So trust in yourself...
And trust no one else...
And fuck a hero...
Be yourself...
I don't need your lousy hand-out...
Yeah!!! oh!! yeah!!!...
So i clench my fist...
And i fight my way out...
And i look deep inside myself...
I look everywhere...
I looked to god...
I looked to the devil...
But most importantly...
I felt the innocence inside of myself...
So don't be afraid to just be yourself...
And no one else...
Fuck everybody’s opinion...
And do it because you love it...
And do it because you believe in it...
Cuz you do believe in it...
Fuck a hero... be yourself...
Fuck a hero... be yourself...
Fuck a hero... be yourself...
Better look in you...
Better look in you...
Inside yourself...
By yourself...
With no one else...
Thank you...

Letra de Blood Brothers de Papa Roach

Letra de Blood Brothers de Papa Roach

Watch your back because the next man is comin'
And you don't know if the next man is dumbin'
Survival of the fittest what it is
I got yo back, you got my back and that's the biz
Blood, is rushing through my veins I got the power,
channel the energy
And with my strength I will devour
Sickening thoughts are running through my head
That's when I realize I'm glad I'm not dead

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public's craving, existence in the dark

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill

It was a dream and then it hit me, reality struck
And now my life is all shifty and it all moves fast
Close to buck 50 and we all stand strong
In respect to my family in times of our insanity
And through the words of profanity
I describe our dysfunctional family
Blood brothers keep it real to the end
Deeper than the thoughts that you think, not a trend

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public's craving, existence in the dark

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill

Again and again

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public's craving, existence in the dark

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Descargar Snes9x 1.53 (32 Bits) Gratis

Descargar Snes9x 1.53 (32 Bits) Gratis


Juega con Mario y sus amigos, vibra con las carreras futuristas de F-Zero, sumérgete en un mundo mágico en Zelda... ¡con Snes9x!

Snes9x es un emulador de la mítica Super Nintendo con el cual puedes jugar sin problemas a juegos clásicos de SNES. Podrás salvar y detener partidas, configurar suavizados y filtros gráficos para una mejor imagen, personalizar las teclas e incluso jugar por Internet con otras personas.

Tanto si quieres recuperar viejos juegos caidos en el olvido como si nunca tuviste una Super Nintendo en tus manos, Snes9x es un emulador que no debería faltar en el ordenador de ningún "jugón", esporádico o no, que se precie.


Descargar Spyware Terminator 2012 Gratis

Descargar Spyware Terminator 2012 Gratis


¿Tienes spyware y no lo sabes? ¿Te gustaría averiguarlo y, si tienes, eliminarlo? Prueba Spyware Terminator, una utilidad gratuita que te permitirá detectar, eliminarlo además de protegerte en tiempo real contra nuevas infecciones.

Lo primero que deberás hacer, tras instalarlo, es analizar tu PC. Spyware Terminator te ofrece tres tipos de análisis: rápido, completo y personalizado.

Una vez pasado el análisis, si Spyware Terminator ha detectado algo, podrás moverlo a cuarentena, borrarlo inmediatamente o tras reiniciar. Muy útil esta última opción para eliminar spyware que está en ejecución.

Protección en tiempo real
Para evitar ser infectado de nuevo, nada mejor que estar protegido en tiempo real. Spyware Terminator vigila permanentemente tu PC e intercepta los spyware antes de que se instalen. Además, también vigila partes de tu sistema propensas a verse infectadas, como por ejemplo los servicios, la lista de programas que cargan al inicio, el archivo hosts y los BHO (añadidos en el navegador).

Resumiendo, Spyware Terminator es una aplicación compacta, fácil de usar, intuitiva y eficaz. Y ahora, gracias a su compatibilidad con 64 bits, es mucho más potente en máquinas más modernas.


  • Interfaz muy agradable

  • Muchas opciones bien organizadas

  • Muchos módulos de protección individual

  • Compatible con 64 bits


  • Baja tasa de detección de virus

  • Escudos principales no disponibles por defecto

  • Publicidades molestas


lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Descargar FIFA 12 Texture Editor 0.5 (32 bits) Gratis

Descargar FIFA 12 Texture Editor 0.5 (32 bits) Gratis


FIFA 12 Texture Editor es una herramienta que permite abrir y modificar los archivos del juego FIFA 12. Con ella puedes abrir los archivos .BIG y ver las texturas, así como exportarlas o importarlas.

A día de hoy, FIFA 12 Texture Editor es la única utilidad con la que es posible modificar el aspecto de jugadores, estadios, carteles, etcétera. Para funcionar bien requiere .NET Framework 4.0. y SlimDX.

Las funciones de FIFA 12 Texture Editor son elementales: búsqueda, navegación, importación de archivos RX3 y exportación de texturas (con o sin transparencia). Cabe destacar la conversión automática de imágenes al formato compatible con FIFA 12.


  • Abre archivos .BIG

  • Importa y exporta texturas

  • Instaladores para 32 y 64 bits

  • Conversión automática de imágenes


  • No incluye SlimDX ni .NET Framework

  • Usabilidad mejorable


Descargar EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition 9.1 Gratis

Descargar EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition 9.1 Gratis


EASEUS Partition Master (antes EASEUS Partition Manager) es una versión del conocido gestor y editor de particiones en versión gratuita y para uso doméstico.

Con EASEUS Partition Master podrás crear, eliminar y formatear particiones FAT32 y NTFS de tu disco duro, además de cambiarles el nombre y la letra identificativa y agrandarlas o reducir su tamaño sin perder los archivos que contenga.

EASEUS Partition Master es muy útil, por ejemplo, para disponer de varias particiones en un único disco y proteger así datos importantes de formateos accidentales o para hacer sitio a otro sistema operativo.


  • Cómodo y fácil de usar

  • Crea, borra y formatea particiones en segundos

  • Cambia el tamaño de una partición sin perder datos

  • Incluye ayuda


  • Pocos formatos soportados (FAT32 y NTFS)

  • No permite crear un disco de arranque


Descargar PS3 Media Server 1.40.0 Gratis

Descargar PS3 Media Server 1.40.0 Gratis


PS3 Media Server es un servidor de cotenidos multimedia para la Play Station 3.

El programa una vez instalado en el ordenador envía por streaming todo tipo de archivos multimedia tales como vídeos, fotos y música.

PS3 Media Server es compatible con todos los formatos que originalmente puede leer la PS3, este programa no cambia la configuración de la consola ni altera su configuración.


  • Útil para conectar la PS3 al ordenador


  • Puede resultar lioso hacerlo funcionar