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martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Blancanieves de Silvio Rodriguez

Letra de Blancanieves de Silvio Rodriguez

Mi alma creció silenciosa y normal
hasta cuando cumplí cinco años
crecía yo en mi pueblo natal
anhelando lo nuevo y lo extraño
Fue entonces cuando hubo domingo
para una matiné infantil
era marzo, era abril
era el color
y era una luz del asombro
ilustrando el amor... el amor

Soy de provincia y por eso tal vez
el seguro de mi alma es tan leve
confieso que bien pasados los días
volví al cine tras mi blancanieves
Aun me estremece inmaculada
frente a la infamia y el horror
fue mi primer amor
y fue también
la única excusa
para una alma ilusa que mientras vivió
dio a blancanieves su leve, su primer amor

Letra de Anoche Fue La Orquestra de Silvio Rodriguez

Letra de Anoche Fue La Orquestra de Silvio Rodriguez

Cocuyito Cocuyano,
ven a la luz de tus hermanos
—invocación infantil—

Anoche fue la orquesta
a despedir el río,
la fauna y la floresta
del pueblecito mío.
Los vivos se mezclaban
con los fantasmas viejos.
Los árboles lloraban
su natural espejo.
Cocuyito Cocuyano
parpadeando de sed.

Anoche un aguacero
bajó a besar la herida
donde dormían luceros
cuando corría la vida.
A punto de estar vivos
rondaban transparentes
biajacas y catibos,
a pesar de la gente
que crecía y olvidaba
el don de agradecer.

Anoche fue la orquesta
y, mientras llovía,
la luna reía
soñando otra vez.

Anoche fue la orquesta
de la naturaleza
a detener la siesta,
a encocuyar cabezas
con relámpagos de infancia
y humedad de niñez.

de semejanza,
como el rocío.

de la esperanza,
para mi río.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Alguien de Silvio Rodriguez

Letra de Alguien de Silvio Rodriguez

Alguien se vuelve sobre mi quejosa soledad,
algún respiro alguien me da con despreocupación.
Volcado sobre mis papeles no he reparado, viene un alguien que se va...

Alguien es sólo un buen objeto,
una mirada, un buen recuerdo,
a veces es un candil,
o un camisón de dormir,
una cigarra un nuevo cielo,
una palabra desde lejos.
alguien lo es todo a la vez
y todo pasa después.

Mas yo sé que alguien me buscó tanteando un baño gris,
Yo sé que alguien suavizó mi forma de vivir.
Y esta querida tempestad que en mi bolsillo va sufriendo por la luz.

Alguien es sólo un buen objeto,
una mirada, un buen recuerdo,
a veces es un candil,
o un camisón de dormir,
una cigarra un nuevo cielo,
una palabra desde lejos.
alguien lo es todo a la vez
y todo pasa después.

Letra de Aceitunas de Silvio Rodriguez

Letra de Aceitunas de Silvio Rodriguez

Tus piernas de tres a seis de la tarde
en la memoria de pronto me arden
y cuando quiero aliviar mi locura
sólo me calma comer aceitunas.

Una aceituna mordida
le ha vuelto a la vida todo su sabor
maravillado, respiro y siento tu olor.

Hoy yo deliro
me corta tu hilo
hasta el limite de la ilusión
como despacio
y alargo el espacio
entre el beso inicial y el de adiós.

Una aceituna mordida
le ha vuelto a la vida todo su sabor
maravillado, respiro y siento tu olor.

Y aquí me tienes
bien aferrado
a la semilla
como colgando de ti.

Tus piernas de tres a seis de la tarde
en la memoria de pronto me arden
y cuando quiero aliviar mi locura
sólo me calma comer aceitunas.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Plasticine de Placebo

Letra de Plasticine de Placebo

Beauty lies inside the eye of another youthful dream
That doesn't sell it's soul for self-esteem
That's not plasticine
Beauty lies inside desire and every way ward heart redeemed
That doesn't sell it's soul for self-esteem
That's not plasticine

Don't forget to be the way you are (x4)

The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything
Don't go and sell your soul for self-esteem
Don't be plasticine

Don't forget to be the way you are (x4)
And don't forget to be the way you are (x4)
The way you are (x4)

Letra de Paycheck de Placebo

Letra de Paycheck de Placebo

Consumed by the one's who made her
She's a faker, always let's me down
Dressed up like a capital shaker
Pull the key that judgement let her down
I'll have your guts for garters, just for starters
Don't you make me frown
She could've been a nutter
So I had to cut the mother down

Slacker wasting half is life on sniffing glue
Now he's a foreman working for the red the white and blue
Plain sailing safe surfing
public peeling back stab

Confused by the one's who break her
She's a faker, never makes a sound
Undressed like a soul in prayer
Buy a share, pay her by the pound
I'll have your face for breakfast
I'm in excess need of a stroke down
She could've been a nutter
So I had to cut the mother down

Slacker wasted half is life on speed
Now he's reformed and working for the red the white and blue
Plain sailing shoulder rubbing
Dental flossing back stab

Pay - check
Pay - check

Save the best for later
Be careful not to stain the sheets now
You god damn liar
Take me higher

I never wanted the real thing
I never wanted the real thing
I never wanted the real thing
I never wanted the real thing
I never wanted the real thing
I never wanted the real thing
I never wanted the real thing

Slacker wasted half is life on sniffing glue
Now he's reformed working for the red the white and blue
Plain sailing wife swapping
Stool pigeon back stab

Pay - check
Pay - check

Save the best for later
Be careful not to stain the sheets now
You god damn liar
Pants on fire

Cold loving to pour on me
But this one really takes the piss
It's likely to proquandry
I deserve so much more than this.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Drink You Pretty de Placebo

Letra de Drink You Pretty de Placebo

Sick of drugs and dancing feet
Sick of bars where people meet
Smell of crotch and sheets not clean
Hairy men in magazines
Every city looks the same
Running from the threat of rain
Pillow talk that's just for one
Saturday get nothing done

Lie to me
It takes less time
To drink you pretty

Lie to me
It takes less time
To drink you pretty

Human seas of apathy
Nuclear catastrophe
Jumbos crash into the ground
Governments sleep safe and sound
Mornings glisten cold and bright
Organs stolen every night
Can of beans and fast boquet
Double jackpot give away

Lie to me
It takes less time
To drink you pretty

Lie to me
It takes less time
To drink you pretty

Hello pretty
Hello pretty
Hello pretty
Hello pretty

Lie to me
It takes less time
To drink you pretty

Lie to me
It takes less time
To drink you pretty

Letra de Daddy Cool de Placebo

Letra de Daddy Cool de Placebo

She's crazy like a fool
What about it Daddy Cool
I'm crazy like a fool
What about it Daddy Cool

Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool

She's crazy like a fool
What about it Daddy Cool
I'm crazy like a fool
What about it Daddy Cool

Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool

She's crazy about her daddy
Oh she believes in him
She loves her daddy

She's crazy like a fool
What about it Daddy Cool
I'm crazy like a fool
What about it Daddy Cool

Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool
Daddy, Daddy Cool

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Chelsea Hotel Number 2 de Placebo

Letra de Chelsea Hotel Number 2 de Placebo

I remember you well at the chelsea hotel
You were talking so brave and so sweet
Giving me head on the unmade bed
While the limousines waited in the street

Letra de Bubblegun de Placebo

Letra de Bubblegun de Placebo

Take this migraine
Everywhere i go
Take the fast lane
Everywhere i go
Someday gonna take it slow

Take this migraine
Everywhere i go
Take the fast lane
Everywhere i go
Someday gonna take it slow

I wanna turn you on
Feels like a loaded gun
Spit out your bubble gum
I wanna i wanna

I wanna turn you on
Feels like a loaded gun
Spit out your bubble gum
I wanna i wanna

I wanna turn you on
Feels like a loaded gun
Spit out your bubble gum
I wanna i wanna

I wanna turn you on
Feels like a loaded gun
Spit out your bubble gum
I wanna i wanna

I wanna turn you on
Feels like a loaded gun
Spit out your bubble gum
I wanna i wanna

I wanna turn you on
Feels like a loaded gun
Spit out your bubble gum
I wanna i wanna

I wanna i wanna
I wanna i wanna

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Yutelsat Gratis

Descargar Yutelsat Gratis


Yutelsat es un reproductor de televisión por Internet. Está enfocado en canales de la antigua Yugoslavia, pero también tiene una amplia lista de canales españoles, así como juegos Flash y películas.

Un clic en Extra carga los canales internacionales; otro en la flecha situada al final de la barra abre el catálogo por países. Yutelsat incluye unos cuarenta canales españoles, aunque solo un puñado son de buena calidad.

Usar Yutelsat es un poco como apuntar la antena parabólica a un satélite de televisión y bucear por docenas de canales exóticos. Si esa perspectiva no te asusta, podría incluso gustarte.


Descargar Dolphin SVN R7419 Gratis

Descargar Dolphin SVN R7419 Gratis


Dolphin es un emulador para aquella consola que nos alegró las tardes no hace tanto tiempo: Nintendo GameCube.

Con el podrás disfrutar de algunos juegos exclusivos de esta plataforma. Eso sí, si tienes paciencia, ya que algunos juegos van un poco lentos.

El uso es bastante sencillo ya que no necesita de ninguna configuración externa, archivo de Bios ni plugins. Trae todo lo indicado para cargar una ISO (o un DVD) y empezar a jugar.

La emulación de Wii se encuentra aún en fase temprana pero promete diversión sin límites en un futuro.


martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Hamster Free ZIP Archiver Gratis

Descargar Hamster Free ZIP Archiver Gratis


Hamster Free ZIP Archiver es un nuevo compresor de ficheros que te sorprenderá por su apariencia atractiva en dos colores y por su funcionalidad, haciendo de la compresión un proceso muy intuitivo.

Como puedes ver, Hamster Free ZIP Archiver se destaca de otros programas por mantener una estética muy acorde con las últimas versiones de Windows y Windows Phone. Transparencias y difuminados enfocan la atención en donde corresponde cada momento.

En cuanto a sus funciones, Hamster Free ZIP Archiver no parece trabajar con muchos formatos: sólo ZIP y 7Z, pero los domina bien y alcanza elevadas tasas de compresión en tiempos relativamente rápidos. Además, su funcionamiento a base de arrastrar y soltar iconos no sólo es original, sino también asequible.


Descargar Snuko Gratis

Descargar Snuko Gratis


Snuko es una herramienta que te ayuda a localizar tu ordenador perdido o robado. Al mismo tiempo, permite recuperar los datos más importantes, almacenados automáticamente en un servidor remoto.

Mientras trabajes con el ordenador, Snuko pasa desapercibido. Su tarea es esperar y hacer copias de seguridad periódicas de los datos que tú quieras. Cuando pierdas el equipo, basta que entre a la página de Snuko e informes del suceso.

A partir de ese momento, Snuko recoge datos del ordenador: posición geográfica, datos de red, capturas de pantalla, etcétera. Datos que, con unos pocos clic, se pueden descargar desde el navegador. También bloquea el PC extraviado.


lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Winplot 15 Feb 11 Gratis

Descargar Winplot 15 Feb 11 Gratis


Winplot es un generador de funciones gráficas especialmente diseñado para el estudio visual de una serie de ecuaciones matemáticas.

Concretamente, con Winplot puedes generar gráficas de ecuaciones explícitas, paramétricas, implícitas y cilíndricas, generar curvas simples, tubos e incluso representar ecuaciones diferenciales tanto en dos como en tres ejes (2D y 3D).

Obviamente, Winplot permite personalizar los parámetros de todas las ecuaciones. Puedes modificar el valor de X, Y y Z; en número de divisiones, los puntos de corte y definir la calidad de la representación.

Además de generar y representar funciones gráficamente, Winplot incluye dos funciones adicionales. Un generador de órbitas planetarias para calcular trayectorias de objetos en el espacio y una serie de test que te ayudarán a evaluar tus conocimientos.


Descargar Creative Docs .NET 3.2.3 Gratis

Descargar Creative Docs .NET 3.2.3 Gratis


Creative Docs .NET es un eficiente entorno de diseño con el que podrás crear todo tipo de composiciones utilizando, como elementos, gráficos vectoriales.

Concretamente, Creative Docs .NET es perfecto para diseñar todo tipo de composiciones ya sean o no de carácter técnico. Por ejemplo, es ideal para crear carteles, pósteres, manuales, ilustraciones esquemáticas, planos o diagramas de flujos.

Su entorno está pensado para potenciar la productividad del programa. La distribución de las herramientas y la automatización de los procesos más tediosos facilitan el diseño de las composiciones más complejas con el mínimo esfuerzo.

Sus herramientas permiten trabajar por capas y múltiples páginas, incluir textos, dibujar y modificar figuras geométricas, añadir puntos beizer, personalizar objetos con colores sólidos, transparencias o degradados; acotar figuras, trabajar con figuras en 3D, entre otras posibilidades.

Además, incluye las opciones necesarias para guardar y cargar composiciones, lanzar impresiones, exportar proyectos a PDF, JPEG, GIF PNG, TIFF, BMP o ICO; entre otras posibilidades.


domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Descargar CubicExplorer Gratis

Descargar CubicExplorer Gratis


CubicExplorer es un administrador de archivos que puedes usar como alternativa al Explorador estándar de Windows, y que cuenta con una serie de interesantes funciones.

La más llamativa de todas es sin duda la posibilidad de navegar por tu sistema mediante pestañas, de la misma manera que algunos navegadores web. Así, podrás tener abiertos diversos directorios al mismo tiempo, cada uno de ellos en una pestaña distinta.

Cuenta también con un editor integrado, un sistema de Favoritos y una herramienta de búsqueda propia.


Descargar Dooble 1.20.1 Gratis

Descargar Dooble 1.20.1 Gratis


Dooble es un navegador Web de código abierto basado en el potente motor WebKit (el mismo de Safari y Google Chrome) que tiene por mente facilitar una navegación rápida y segura.

Para empezar, Dooble incorpora Retroshare, una aplicación que permite enviar correos, archivos y chatear con privacidad.

Por otra parte, Dooble tiene deshabilitadas las cookies y Javascript por defecto, y elimina el historial al cerrar el programa.

Por lo demás, Dooble incluye varios motores de búsqueda, navegación por pestañas y la posibilidad de abrir enlaces favoritos usando la tecla WIN y los números del teclado.


sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Picasa Gratis

Descargar Picasa Gratis


Picasa es el organizador y editor de fotografías de la mano de Google. un programa que destaca por su diseño elegante y cuidado.

El visualizador de imágenes es espectacular, rápido e independiente de Picasa, aunque es el organizador, que también es editor, el que ofrece las funciones más interesantes.

Cabe destacar la función para crear collages, la creación de vídeos a partir de tus fotografías y los retoques automáticos de color y brillo, que mejorarán tus fotografías con un único clic.

En definitiva, Picasa es en cierto modo el mejor amigo del fotografo aficionado o incluso profesional. Además, su integración con PicasaWeb te da la posibilidad de publicar tus álbumes online a plena calidad (hasta 1 Gb).


Descargar MadAppLauncher Gratis

Descargar MadAppLauncher Gratis


Normalmente, para abrir un programa debes navegar por el menú Inicio o rebuscar en los iconos del Escritorio. Imagina que fuese tan fácil como pulsar una tecla predefinida; eso es lo que MadAppLauncher ofrece.

MadAppLauncher es un lanzador de aplicaciones que permanece en memoria. Se abre mediante un atajo de teclado o haciendo clic en su icono, situado en la barra de tareas. Organizados por pestañas, hay multitud de botones para abrir programas. Un clic y MadAppLauncher los lanza.

Pero antes hay que definirlos. Un clic derecho sobre uno cualquiera de los botones y podrás especificar la apariencia del botón, el archivo que abre y otras opciones de ejecución, incluida la posición de la ventana. A diferencia de otros programas -por ejemplo, Launchy-, MadAppLauncher no detecta automáticamente los programas.

Una vez configurado, MadAppLauncher es un lanzador muy potente y ligero. En nuestras pruebas hemos podido abrir media docena de programas con la configuración deseada en pocos segundos y con una sola mano. No está mal, ¿verdad?


viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Mz Vista Force 3.1.0 Gratis

Descargar Mz Vista Force 3.1.0 Gratis


Mz Vista Force es un paquete de utilidades que te ayudarán a mejorar el funcionamiento de tu Windows Vista para que vaya más rápido.

Incluye opciones para optimizar el uso de CPU, el acceso a disco, el arranque y la conexión a Internet, y permite borrar cachés y otros elementos de Internet Explorer o Windows Media Player.

También dispone de accesos directos a elementos de Windows, como el registro, el diagnóstico de DirectX, el diagnóstico de disco, las propiedades de sistema, etc.

A todo ello se añade un gestor de los programas de arranque y un gestor de procesos fáciles de usar. Y por si las moscas, Mz Vista Force permite hacer copias de seguridad del registro.

La única pega es que, al estar en inglés y disponer de funcionalidades tan técnicas, tal vez no entendamos todas las opciones.


Zscaler combate a tiendas en línea falsas
Estafadores migran de Facebook a Twitter
CA mejora su servicio de seguridad cloud
BitDefender presenta Business Solution
Kaspersky presenta el Top 10 de programas maliciosos

Descargar Microsoft Safety Scanner 1.0.3001.0 (64 bits) Gratis

Descargar Microsoft Safety Scanner 1.0.3001.0 (64 bits) Gratis


Microsoft Safety Scanner es un escáner de virus gratuito. Se ejecuta desde cualquier unidad y elimina de una pasada el malware más reciente. Caduca a los diez días, por lo que deberás volver a bajarlo si quieres usarlo de nuevo.

Los tres análisis que ofrece Microsoft Safety Scanner -rápido, completo y personalizado- son rápidos y buscan las amenazas más peligrosas. Microsoft Safety Scanner no interfiere con otros antivirus, así que puedes emplearlo como complemento de seguridad.

Microsoft Safety Scanner no es un antivirus tradicional ni pretende serlo; junto a la Herramienta de eliminación de malware, es una medida de emergencia frente a los troyanos y virus más peligrosos.


Descargar ipswDownloader 3 Gratis

Descargar ipswDownloader 3 Gratis


Los dispositivos móviles de Apple utilizan un sistema operativo denominado iOS, cuya última versión oficial se descarga mediante iTunes. ¿Que no quieres esa última versión? Pues descarga la que quieras desde ipswDownloader.

Elegir modelo y versión del firmware iOS: esos son los únicos pasos que requiere ipswDownloader para iniciar la descarga. En la parte inferior verás información relacionada con esa versión: desde su baseband hasta si lleva hecho el jailbreak o la liberación.

No te compliques la vida buscando firmwares de iPhone, iPad o iPod Touch; con ipswDownloader los tienes todos a un clic de distancia.


jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Free Studio 5.0.9 Gratis

Descargar Free Studio 5.0.9 Gratis


Free Studio es un pack que aúna utilidades para cuatro grandes grupos: Internet; DVD y vídeo; MP3 y audio; y grabación de CD/DVD.

Dentro del apartado Internet, en Free Studio, encontraremos utilidades para descargar de YouTube, publicar a YouTube y convertir los vídeos descargados a diferentes formatos (iPod, iPhone, PSP) así como pasar el audio a MP3.

En el apartado DVD y vídeo de Free Studio encontramos programas para convertir vídeos a diferentes formatos, incluyendo formatos especiales para móviles, y también utilidades para editar y grabar.

En MP3 y audio tenemos siete utilidades para convertir entre formatos de audio, ripear CDs de música a MP3, editar archivos de audio y grabar CDs de audio.

En cuanto al apartado llamado CD/DVD/BD, encontramos cinco herramientas para hacer operaciones generales con los CD, DVD y BD, principalmente grabarlos o convertirlos.

Free Studio es una suite muy interesante para descargar de una sola vez todo lo que puedes necesitar para convertir, editar y grabar vídeos y audio.


Descargar Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Windows 7 Theme 1.0 Gratis

Descargar Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Windows 7 Theme 1.0 Gratis


¿Quieres tener a Jack Sparrow, a Hector Barbossa y a Penélope Cruz (en su papel de Angelica) en tu escritorio? Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Windows 7 Theme es un tema nativo de Windows 7 con el que podrás personalizar tu ordenador con imágenes de la última entrega de la saga de piratas más famosa.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Windows 7 Theme incluye 10 fondos de escritorio en alta resolución (1920x1200) y diálogos extraídos de la película que te sorprenderán al abrir el menú de Temas y al encender el PC.

Descarga Pirates of the Caribbean 4 Windows 7 Theme y...¡al abordaje!


miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Lavasoft Registry Tuner 2011 1.0 Gratis

Descargar Lavasoft Registry Tuner 2011 1.0 Gratis


La empresa detrás del célebre software Ad-Aware, lanza en esta ocasión su limpiador y reparador del Registro de Windows, Lavasoft Registry Tuner.

Siguiendo con la tendencia de sus programas, Lavasoft Registry Tuner destaca por ser una aplicación sencilla y bien organizada. En su pantalla inicial, dispones de un escaneo completo en un sólo clic. Es de agradecer una función tan sencilla para mejorar el rendimiento del sistema, aunque el proceso y su eficacia no están bien explicados.

Una vez realizado cualquier escaneo o reparación de Registro de entre los disponibles, Lavasoft Registry Tuner lleva a cabo el reinicio del sistema. En nuestras pruebas, la mejora de rendimiento se notó sensiblemente, aunque cabe preguntarse hasta qué punto incluye el reinicio y no las mejoras que el programa hace al Registro.

En cualquier caso, el escaneo y optimización programable de Lavasoft Registry Tuner garantiza que mantendrás un buen rendimiento por muchas acciones que realices con tu ordenador.


Descargar Kaspersky Rescue Disk 2010 Gratis

Descargar Kaspersky Rescue Disk 2010 Gratis


En ocasiones hasta un potente antivirus es insuficiente en la lucha contra los virus, sobre todo cuando se ha hecho con el control de tu sistema operativo. La solución es un disco de emergencia como Kaspersky Rescue Disk, que analiza tu ordenador y lo limpia sin arrancar Windows.

Kaspersky Rescue Disk utiliza el motor de la última versión de Kaspersky Antivirus para escanear tu disco duro y eliminar cualquier rastro de virus, troyano o gusano que se aloje en él. Para usar Kaspersky Rescue Disk debes grabar un CD con la imagen ISO y arrancarlo antes de iniciar Windows.

Con Kaspersky Rescue Disk puedes analizar todo el disco o unas carpetas concretas y escoger qué tipo de archivos escanear. Además incluye herramientas útiles, como un explorador de archivos, un capturador de pantalla y un navegador web.


lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

Descargar Total Commander 7.56a Final Gratis

Descargar Total Commander 7.56a Final Gratis


Si alguna vez has pensado que el Explorador de Windows no es la forma más óptima y rápida para trabajar con carpetas y ficheros, si crees que es un sistema lento, tienes que usar Total Commander.

Total Commander mejora notablemente el Explorador de Windows, \'duplicando\' su utilidad gracias a sus dos ventanas en paralelo para realizar operaciones con ficheros. Una apariencia y disposición que recuerda al famoso \"Comandante Norton\" de DOS.

Además del doble panel, sus principales características son un cliente de FTP integrado en el programa, un compresor y descompresor integrado (compatible con ZIP, RAR, ARJ, ACE, LHA, TAR?) y un útil renombrador de archivos.


Descargar Free YouTube to MP3 Converter 3.9.37 Gratis

Descargar Free YouTube to MP3 Converter 3.9.37 Gratis


Seguro que en más de una ocasión has querido descargarte alguna de las canciones que circulan por YouTube. Pues aquí tienes la solución, Free YouTube to MP3 Converter descarga los vídeos y extrae las pistas de audio.

Del proceso ni te enterarás, porque el único resultado de Free YouTube to MP3 Converter será un archivo de MP3 en la carpeta que hayas designado como receptora.

A partir de ahora, con Free YouTube to MP3 Converter todo lo que escuches y te guste podrás almacenarlo en tu disco duro seleccionando la calidad de audio y añadiendo etiquetas con el nombre de la canción, el autor, álbum, etc.


domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Descargar SubLight 2.7.1 Gratis

Descargar SubLight 2.7.1 Gratis


SubLight encuentra la pista de subtítulos adecuada para cada película.

SubLight sólo necesita conocer la ruta del archivo de vídeo, a continuación realiza una búsqueda por Internet, y presenta los resultados. El usuario sólo tiene que escoger la pista de subtítulos que quiere.

Si el texto está acompasado con el vídeo, SubLight enlazará el archivo de vídeo con el de subtítulos.


Descargar Mac OS X Lion Skin Pack para Windows 7 4.0 Gratis

Descargar Mac OS X Lion Skin Pack para Windows 7 4.0 Gratis


Los fans de Apple esperan con ansia su nuevo sistema operativo, Mac OS X Lion. ¿Quieres darles envidia? Pues prepara tu Windows con Mac OS X Lion Skin Pack y tendrás al león antes que nadie.

Por supuesto, Mac OS X Lion Skin Pack no incluye ninguna de las excelentes funcionalidades del sistema original, pero lo imita eficazmente gracias a una serie de programas como RocketDock, UberIcon o el Universal Theme Patcher.

Si alguna vez has querido saber lo que se siente usando un ordenador de Apple, Mac OS X Lion Skin Pack es una genial forma de hacerlo. Gracias a un cómodo instalador verás el aspecto futuro de su sistema operativo con tus propios ojos.


miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Letra de She's A Dream de Backstreet Boys

Letra de She's A Dream de Backstreet Boys

Oooh ooh ohh yeah
Ohh no

Shorty ain't got cable,
She don't even got a radio, way more than able.
What kinda girl should I take her for?
The perfect kind, just what I like,
exactly what I had in my mind, a dream...
She's a dream... yeah..

Shorty don't know I'm on the red carpet, almost every night.
And when I'm outta town to go and do work,
I'm first class every flight.
If she takes the time to open her eyes,
she can realize that she's a dream...
cause she knows me...

Shorty don't know who I am, she don't know I'm a celebrity,
cause when I let her meet my fam, ain't nobody mention my pedigree.
cause every time I take her out, we're always in the VIP.
Shorty don't know who I am, but she knows me...
That's why I make her say: Ooh
Make her say: Aaah
Make her say: Uhhh
Make her say: Aaahh

Shorty don't know who I am...

And I'm cool with that, if she says so
I even got a lot to her
And when I'm out making pesos?
Aint' nobody treat her like I do her.
Cause I'm the one that she thinks about,
The only one on her mind,
She's a dream...
cause she knows me...

Shorty don't know that I'm on the stage,
like 3 or 4 times a week
she don't even know I've been around the world
and all the different girls and me.
But there's just one, face that I see
She's the only one for me
She's a dream..
cause she knows me....

Shorty don't know who I am, she don't know I'm a celebrity,
cause when I let her meet my fam, ain't nobody mention my pedigree.
cause every time I take her out, we're always in the VIP.
Shorty don't know who I am, but she knows me...
That's why I make her say: Ooh
Make her say: Aaah
Make her say: Uhhh
Make her say: Aaahh

See, shorty don't know who I am
That's not good for us, cause I know,
it's not good to fuss
And I know she loves me, for me
and i love her, for her
but It wouldn't work if she ever gave
a damn 'bout who I am but she knows me

she don't know I'm a celebrity,
cause when I let her meet my fam, ain't nobody mention my pedigree.
cause every time I take her out, we're always in the VIP.
Shorty don't know who I am, but she knows me...
Make her say: Aaah
Make her say: Uhhh
Make her say: Aaahh

bout me...

Letra de Set Adrift On Memory Bliss de Backstreet Boys

Letra de Set Adrift On Memory Bliss de Backstreet Boys

As I gazed at the hour glass days go
And all I do is think of you
And wonder where you are at night
I remember everything
Every smile, even all the reasons why you say
I pushed you out of my mind

Baby you send me,
baby you send me,
Set adrift on memory bliss of you
Baby you send me,
Set adrift on memory bliss

Destiny in everything
Reality has replaced you with
The biggest empty void I've ever had in life
I bet you say that I don't care
I bet you say that I don't even think of you
But God knows how wrong you are

Baby will you be there
Just give me time
To fix my life
baby will you be there when I open my eyes
After all the time I spent wishing


Sadness that overwhelmed me
My mind carelessly imagined
you are happy with your life right now , oh ...
I guess that's just the way it goes
Forever's gone
So now I must place you with all the things
That I could never have

Baby you send me, baby you send me,
baby you send me
Set adrift on memory bliss
Send me, you send me,
Come on now
I know this love is true
I know this love is true

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Everytime I Close My Eyes de Backstreet Boys

Letra de Everytime I Close My Eyes de Backstreet Boys

Close my eyes

Listen girl
I don't know where to start
But every word I say
Comes straight from the heart
I've been so wrong
I never meant to hurt you
Oh girl
I'm sorry
Of what I put you through

Girl I'd do anything for one more chance
(One more chance)
Cuz I want you back again
(Want you back again)

Cuz everytime I close my eyes
I see your face and I wonder
When you close your eyes
Do you think about me
Now that I've realized
I want you girl
And no other
Everytime I close my eyes
You're all that I see

You and I shared it all together
Each other was all we'd ever need
(All we ever need)
I thought that you would stay
With me forever
But I took for granted
The love you gave to me
I keep on trying
(Keep on trying)
Until the end
(Until the end)
Baby I need you back with me


Girl, I'm going out of my mind
I miss you so much
I don't know what to do
(What to do)
Please say it's just a matter of time
Until I feel your touch
Until you let me come back to you

Think about you girl
Every day and night and day
I'm in love
And it feels so right
I never meant to hurt you
Or cause you pain
I was just caught up
In that lying game
But now those days are over
I've changed my ways
And now I'm counting the minutes
I'm counting the days
Until you let me come back
Until you let me start
To find a new way
To get back into your heart

Girl, I'd do anything for one more chance
(One more chance)
Cause I want you
I want you back again
(Want you back)


(All I can see is you lovin me
You're all that I need
Baby yeah
Now I realize
That everytime I close my eyes
I see me holdin and kissin you
Baby yeah
I see your face
And I wonder
I wonder
Oh, yeah)

Letra de Endlessly de Backstreet Boys

Letra de Endlessly de Backstreet Boys

Late at night you call on a phone,
We talk about the day,
When you found out he was cheating.
You tell me that it hurts to the bone,
To trust someone that way.
To find that he was deceving,
And I know I've always just been your friend,
But if you look my way,
I'll make sure you'll never hurt again.

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this,
Endlessly to be true to you,
And if you answer my prayer,
I'd cross my heart and I'd swear
Endlessly to be true to you,

And if you'd only see,
How beautiful you and I would be, endlessly.
Ohh, oh yeah.
I remember when you fell in love,
I could not believe..
That it was not with me
I sent a secret prayer up above,
And put my heart away.
So that you could be free.
And I know right now you're broken in two,
But did you know my heart's been broken since that day I metyou.

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this,
Endlessly to be true to you,
And if you answer my prayer,
I'd cross my heart and I'd swear
Endlessly to be true to you,

And in my sweetest dream,
You'd learn to put your faith in me, endlessly,
Sometimes the thing you need,
Is the one thing you can't see
If you put your faith in me,
How beautiful you and I would be.

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this,
Endlessly to be true to you,
And if you answer my prayer,
I'd cross my heart and I'd swear
Endlessly to be true to you,

And if you'd only see
How beautiful you and I would be, endlessly

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

Letra de We As Americans de Eminem

Letra de We As Americans de Eminem


There's an intruder in my house
He cut my phone-lines can't dial out
I scream for police but I doubt
They're gonna hear me when I shout

[Verse 1]

A couple of cocktails will send me to jail
there's a couple of cops hot on my trail
But this time, when I get pulled over
there's a doberman pinscher and a pitbull in the seat
these pigs 'll get bit fooling with me
quit fooling with me
Bitch, you're gonna see
No pistol in the seat
why it always gotta be an issue when you're me
and which you're gonna see in the long run
Im'a be the wrong one
you wanna harass with this limo tinted glass
flashin that flash-light on my ass where was you at
last night when them assholes
ran up on my grass
rapper slash actor
kiss the crack on my cracker slashed ass
they took away my right to bear arms
what I'm posed to fight with bear palms?
yeah right
they coming with bombs, I'm comin with flare-guns
We as americans


We as a Americans
Us as a citizen
Gotta protect ourselves
Look at our shit has been
We better check ourselves
Livin up in these streets
Through worse and through better health
Surviving by any means
We as Americans
Us as a citizen
We are samaritans
What do we get us in
We better check ourselves
Look at our shit has been
Take a look where you live
This is America
And we are Americans

[Verse 2]
Im'a make Vuku bucks wearin Vuku vests
Drama hanging over my head like a voodoo hex
I could've been next to fly over the cuckoo's nest
but you know who
whith an "S" tatooed to my chest
But I've innested
Now I got the Industry pissy
eversince me and Dre split it fifty-fifty on fifty it's funny
We got a buzz spreading quicker than making paper-airplanes out of a twenty
Fuck money I don't rap for dead presidents
I'd rather see the president dead
It's never been said
but I said precedents and the standards
and they can't stand it
My name should've been bastard
the shit should've been plastered
on my forehead with a stamp
I should've been blasted
I should've been had a cap pulled in my ass
but I'm too swift and fast
for that, I'm past it
I'm too old to go and cruise Gratiot
Fuck that shit
I done seen a fastest rap shit
and turning into some pap-pap shit
that quick
snap click
but this time they got fucking auto-ma-tic
(jamaican) and no one gon' test this mon

We as a Americans
Us as a citizen
Gotta protect ourselves
Look at our shit has been
We better check ourselves
Livin up in these streets
Through worse and through better health
Surviving by any means
We as Americans
Us as a citizen
We are samaritans
What do we get us in
We better check ourselves
Look at our shit has been
Take a look where you live
This is America
And we are Americans

[Verse 3]
I got a secret if you can keep it between us
I tuck two Nina's under my jeans either side of my penis
under my Long Johns
under my Sean Johns
when running with the long arm or the long long gone
Im'a do five years or less than that
no questions asked
it might be a good idea to stop right here
and quit while I'm ahead
already in the red
already got a steady infrared nipped on my head
A target on my back
bigger problems than that
Bin Laden on my ass
he probly gone send a task
I ain't gone even ask
they ain't gone let me pack
they ain't gone gimme my semi but I got my Whizz at

We as a Americans
Us as a citizen
Gotta protect ourselves
Look at our shit has been
We better check ourselves
Livin up in these streets
Through worse and through better health
Surviving by any means
We are Americans
Us as a citizen
We as samaritans
What do we get us in
We better check ourselves
Look at our shit has been
Take a look where you live
This is America
And we are Americans

Letra de Watch Deez (Feat. Thirstin Howl Iii) de Eminem

Letra de Watch Deez (Feat. Thirstin Howl Iii) de Eminem

[Thirstin Howl]
I hit harder than Foreman
landing both both gloves to a low blow
with no cup
leave you Speech-less like when Arrested Development broke up
carry a crow bar for egos that won't budge
crack skulls through helmets
with the penetration of a screw nailed in
return like I was sending self addressed postage
throw bricks the size of the Stonehenge
before battles, we pour blood
and toast, death to wicked infants
found on the sorceress' doorsteps
slaughter lamb
and boar's head
every MC's cause of boredness
and mind bondage
bronchitis, lung failure
language unfam-i-liar
art through a flooded air brush
??? leave craft
sentences joined with words holding hands
it's a tight squeeze
from where your head will be landing
in exact time flight leaves

watch this
watch this

watch this
don't watch that, watch this

Who's arm is this?
I must have cut it off of the pharmacist
Who refused to renew my seventh presciption of darvecet
I'm the old man who lives upstairs and starves his pets
and never leaves his house 'cause he thinks his car's possessed
I hate my life
that's why I degrade my wife
grabbed a paper plate to make a sandwich
and just ate the knife
my mother's screaming 'please heal him, take him straight toChrist'
meet you on the street and slap you just to break the ice
made a bomb threat with a fake device
strip you naked twice, pistol whip you and force you to takeadvice
and if you catch me bobbin' my head to some bullshit spittin'
I was probably just tryin to shake the lice
bugs fallin' out of my head
I'm wishin' I was dead
while I'm crawlin out of my bed
found it red and my rash is returning
I feel the sensation of burning
occurring, usually during pain for release in my urine
screamin' at my shadow 'please quit followin' me'
these pills keep screamin' 'please quit swollin' me'
the devil keeps screamin' 'please get down on one knee'
took the drugs before the cops ever found them on me

watch this
watch this

watch this
don't watch that, watch this

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Wake up Show Freestyle de Eminem

Letra de Wake up Show Freestyle de Eminem

Yo speed racer 97' burgundy Blazer
Wanted for burglary had to ditch the mercury tracer
I'm on some low ish
I'm fed up wit the being broke ish
I'm not to joke wit
Bitch I don't sell crack I smoke it
My brains dusted; I'm disgusted at all my habits
Too many asprin tablets and empty medicine cabinets
Loosing battles to wack rappers 'cause I'm always too blunted
Walkin' up in the cypher smokin', talkin' like, "Who want it?"
Thug and crook; every drug in the book I've done it
My 9's at your frame,is that your chain? Run it
Who wants to die of an overdose of excessive flavor?
Aggressive nature got me stickin' you for your Progressive pager
Spectacular, battle rap manufacturer
Stole your mom's Acura, wrecked it, then sold it back to her
( Right right right ! ! ! ) (( Ding ! ! ! ))
The doctors you'll need after our battle are known as psychiatrics
I'll tell the nurses to hold a bed for you,
and I'ma make sure you come back for it
So barricade your infants, put up some extra fences
A woman beater, wanted for repeated sex offenses ( Ooh )
..Take em' on long vacation trips
Kidnappin' em' and trappin' em' in abusive relationships
Mess up your face and lips
Slit your stomach and watch your gut split
Gut you wit that razor that I use to shave my nuts wit ((Laughter))
Mama don't you cry, your son's too far gone
I'm so high, I don't even know what label I'm on
I'm messed up, feelin' like an over worked plumber
I'm sick of the crap, what's Dr. Kevorkian's phone number? ( Ha.. Hot )

Letra de W.E.G.O. (Interlude) de Eminem

Letra de W.E.G.O. (Interlude) de Eminem

Old Hip Hop musical beat tune plays in the
background, just like a radio

Proof (From D12):
Yeah soul it tick, checking it number 1 baby this
You know what I'm sayin'?
This is M.C. Proof

And D.J. Hare.

Proof (From D12):
Checkin' in on W.E.G.O.
You know what I'm sayin'?
Ay yo we got the number 1 requested song, of the DAY
coming up next.
It's a local thing wants retilin'
It goes by the name of Eminem

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Venger's A Big Fat Bitch de Eminem

Letra de Venger's A Big Fat Bitch de Eminem

(Dr Dre)
Tell yo 'bout Venger
Straight out of Michigan
Slim Shady

Venger is a big fat bitch
He's the biggest bitch I know
And he stinks like shit
Remember back then,
The days when he was skinny?

(Dr Dre)

Now he's fat
And he still thinks he's pretty.
He's such a slag
People who smoke grass
Are saying "Shit.
Goddamn, that's a big fat ass"
Fuck that slut
He's a big fat trick
And I still won't suck
His ten foot dick
Slim Shady
I'm a crazy thing
Down with Dr Dre
With a Darkhaven swing

(Dr Dre)

I don't know much
But I know this shit
Venger is a big fat bitch

Venger is a big fat bitch
Venger is a big fat bitch
Venger is a big fat bitch
He's a red eyed, stink ass, horn headed bitch

(Dr Dre)
Uh huh
Dr Dre
Check it
My homie Shadow Demon
Lives up the block
He's got a big fat master
Who sucks my cock
Non stop, he's a sight to see
A real evil bitch
Who does right by me
He might be the best slut
In the mountains
Ten times a week
But shit,
Who's countin'?
I'm astounded 'bout the things he does
He used to suck in each,
Fuck in each town there ever was
He ain't a slut
He's a super groupie
And I'd pass that bitch
Around like a doobie
I don't know much
But I know this
Venger's a big fat bitch


(Dr Dre)
Oh shit
Tell 'em, Em

I'm Slim Shady
That name's really cool
I might be a fuck
But I ain't no fool

(Dr Dre)
Uh uh

I just moved from Darkhaven to Boulder
'Cause Venger's trippin' on Kelek's own shoulder
He's just colder 'cause I'm like that
Little freak ass pain
But you know that

(Dr Dre)

I've been followin' tracks
Like a puppy
Old horn head
Doesn't take shit from yuppies
Word up
I am Slim Shady
To a mother fucking T is the place to be

(Dr Dre)

I don't know much
But I know this
Venger is a big fat bitch


(Dr Dre)
The dude's right
Dr Dre
Best bitch around
Fuck Venger
This goes out to all the fat bitches in the realm
What's up?

Letra de Tylenol Island de Eminem

Letra de Tylenol Island de Eminem

Slim mother fuckin shady....alright
Missy elliot, timbo, c'mon, yo

Verse 1:

I'm homicidal, and suicidal, with no friends
Holdin a gun with no handles, just a barrel at both ends
Sprayin techs at you
Untill u see the fuckin legs full of bullets holes and the exit wounds layin next to you.
Fuckin mad dog, foamin out the mouth
Fuck mouth, my whole house is foamin out the couch
Jumped outta a 93 floor of a buildin
And shot every window out on the way to the ground(keep filmin)
Woke up to a hospital staff
Got up and laughed
Chopped em in half
And sufficated your oxygen mask
If i get any higher ima get the east and west beefin again
Fly back to detroit and stand in the cross-fire

(ken kaniff's voice) oh fuck...oh shit
I got the ?? ready
What time are you gettin
Or shall i say
What time are you comin over

Verse 2:

Yo, yo, im only smilin when im violent,
Got on the plane wylin,
Told the piolet to fly me to tylenol island
Stewardess like "you restless?"
"no bitch, im rest-full, so hold this fuckin jet still so i can eat this pretzels"
Forget school,
The other kids are disrespectfull,
They hold me down and play connect-the-dots with my freckles
I can't take it
I'm tryin to gain weight,
So i eat steak
And swallow the whole plate
And weigh myself, naked
Without albulms
To teach kids family values
Cuz every mom and dad should allo you to pop vaiulums
And never hit sum 1 unless you got a reason
And if there ain't a reason
Make 1 up and just start swingin

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Peep show de Eminem

Letra de Peep show de Eminem

[50 Cent]
(When ya breakin' it down, keep breakin' it down)
This is what it sounds like when I'm breakin' it down
(Yeah I'm breakin' it down)
Man this is what it feels like, when I'm breakin' it down
(When ya breakin' it down, keep breakin' it down)
It's not my fault
It's not fault (I'm hot man!)
It's not my fault
It's not my fault

Till the sun comes up, every night
We party and we party 'til daylight
We be gettin' it in come on we gettin' it in
A lil' Hennessey, a lil' juice and gin
It's not a fantasy, it's not pretend
We gon' do it, we gon' do it, we gon' do it again
Till the sun comes up, every night
We party and we party 'til daylight

I shouldn't have to tell you shorty you should know
I'm really been lookin' into yo' freak show
You gimme a little baby and I'ma want mo'
O.D.B. said that I like it raaaw!
Exotic her body been movin' on the flo'
Enough to make a ***** lose control
I'm down to go wherever you wan' go
Ya got a man now keep it on the low
I do my thing you know I gets my dough
I got a few stacks me and you can blow
We get into the hotel after the show
I know how to romance ya, be my private dancer, yeah

CHORUS [50 Cent]
On ya mark, get set girl, now here we go
Racin' off to see yo' peep show
It turn me on to see you on the flo'
When ya breakin' it down, keep breakin' it down
Ready or not shorty now here I come
Shake that thing girl now back it up
Work it, work it, girl you turn me on
When ya breakin' it down, keep breakin' it down

[50 Cent]
They say I'm not the same it's 'cause I'm filthy mayne
I'm off the chain I don't play no games
I'm hustlin' hard homie I do my thang
You fuck wit' the paper then watch the hammer go bang
Now shorty I like the way she move them hips
I'm tryna get her in my bedroom and shit
We can take a long time or get it done quick
We can camcord the shit make a boom-boom flick
It's oh so many places that we can go
I really want you shorty shorty now you should know
Girl ya body's callin' me hear you loud and clear
We ain't got to leave now we can do it right here


[50 Cent]
The way you move (the way you move)
You make me lose (you make me lose)
All control (all control)
I know you know (I know you know)

[50 Cent]
You're so seductive, you make me wanna touch it
I ain't got to tell ya, you know I wanna fuck ya
I'm feelin' your style ya better watch me now
My tongue'll be in ya mouth my hands'll be in ya blouse
When you get me aroused you put a spell on me
Man if I can't have ya I'ma go crazy
I want you bad now and if you want me
Girl come to me now, I said come to me now

Come to me now? You gon' come to me now?
Apple in ya mouth, tackled on the couch
Shackled in the house, I'll be back in about
Twenty minutes or less, wit' my Hannibal mask
And when you ***** around and giggle in that cage
I know I couldn't wait to get you off that stage
From the moment I met you had to let you know
I just wanted to get you through my bedroom do'
You makin' me feel like I'm in middle school still
You squeal like a little girl you pitiful, chill
We gon' fuck, I just popped this little blue pill
You can leave but wait, I gotta shit on you still
I shouldn't have to tell you shorty you should know
I hope you really gettin' in to my creep show
And let me shit on ya chest and if some pee comes out
Just guzzle it down, just guzzle it down


[50 Cent]
It's not my fault
It's not my fault, I can break it down
It's not my fault
It's not my fault, can ya break it down?
It's not my fault
It's not my fault, I can break it down
It's not my fault
It's not my fault, can ya break it down?

Letra de Our House de Eminem

Letra de Our House de Eminem

[E] = eminem as eminem
[D] = eminem as his mumHere's the story... Of a little boy
Growing up in a suburban home
Tryin to cope with everyday life
He lives in a little house
That was built in the middle of the street[E]
Hey mom tu pac's on the duke box
Somebody shot 2 cops
And raped a little girl watchin news watch
Nuh ahh they were tryna frame 'em
You and that Tu Pac shakur
No that ain't how you say his name mom
You're so lame.. Dont you know anything?
Yeah i know you probably goin joinin a gang
Yeah right, I'm out wheres my fuckin walkman at?
Stop Cussin at me!
Shut up bitch!
Quit Talkin Black!!!
Well slammed the door and I'm out
Now what? It's probably warm in the house
Fuck I forgot my jacket
I forgot it was winter
I'm Gettin Thinner
I'm hungry, is mom cookin dinner?
Mom let me back in i forgot my coat!
Mom come on I'm not playin its cold!
Aight sorry I need a jacket
Mom look! My Tu Pac tape I just cracked it!
Mom please let me back in
It is Tu Pac Shakur
I just asked him!
I'm Freezing (*sneeze*) I'm Sneezing
I'm breathing to much cold air
I'm Wheezing
I ain't did nothin
I didn't say im leaving
I said I'm goin on the front porch to get something!
(*cutting noises*)
Aight Here Take Your Damn Coat And Leave!
Fine I'll leave..Mom You Cut Off The Sleaves!!(chorus)
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...(1, 2 ,3)
In the middle of the street[E]
My teacher's two faced
He went to lower all my school grades
Cos last thursday i had a tooth ache from kool-aid
So mom kicked me out
Get Out!!
All i had was my suitcase,
A shoelace, a tube sock
And a tube of toothpaste
Sometimes it was cool
Cos i could go to a freinds
Crash there, fool around and just skip school
But other times I'd rather be home
In my own room, Alone
???? my shit
And nobody would know
My little brother sucked on a bottle till he was six
So I'd hide it inside the couch and say
"I don't know where it is.."
But as soon as mom found it
I would either get grounded
Or kicked out of the house a thousand weeks
I'm still countin!
Even when I was under age......
Mom was tellin cops i was tryna run away......
I told her "Some day bitch, you gonna pay...."
Please mom please mom please I wanna stay....
(Let me stay!)(chorus)
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...(yo)
In the middle of the street[E]
My brothers incoharent
Moms a single parent
???, Staring through me like I'm transparant
Made it clear that i was just there to run her errands
Told her friends that i was the son from her last marrage
Sent me up to the corner store with a little note
Please sell my stepson ciggarettes so i can smoke.
One time i tried to fake a stich to get attention..
Back fired and mom sent me to school with vengence
My life is the worst thing that could ever have happened to me
I go to class and every teachers always laughing at me
Mom says "white rappers always get laughed at"
Not only that, she heard me upstairs and i can't rap
But I'm stupid
I'll never make it average or a D+
I need to sit on my ass
And just sue people like she does
One time I got food poisening from a hotdog
Mom sued and got $2000 from Ballpark
Hey mom you got a doller?
I don't Think so
Now keep an eye on your brother,
I'm Going to bingo
But mom you said.. you were broke
[D]who said?
You got your ears messed up (awwww)
From that damn rap music(chorus to fade)Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street
Our house...
In the middle of the street

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

Letra de Mr. Mathers de Eminem

Letra de Mr. Mathers de Eminem

[Male Medic]
Mr. Mathers?
Mr. Mathers!
Mr. Mathers... Mr. Mathers can you hear my voice?
OK he's not responding
I'm gonna need an 18 gauge left AC right away

[Female Medic]
Uh, BP is 90 over 12, respiration's at 8
OK I'm tubing him

[Male Medic]
DMC this is medic 41

[Voice over radio]
Medic 41, this is DMC base, go ahead

[Female Medic]
He's cold, spike him back and grab the back board

[Male Medic]
OK, got it, on 3... 1, 2, 3
Hu-let's move...

Letra de Mommy de Eminem

Letra de Mommy de Eminem

A get your hands in the air, and get to clappin 'em
and like, back and forth because ah
this is.. what you thought it wasn't
It beez.. the brothers representin' the Dirty Dozen
I be the F-R-O the double G *coughing in background*
And check out the man he goes by the name of er...

Slim Shady, brain dead like Jim Brady
I'm a M80, you Lil' like that Kim lady
I'm buzzin, Dirty Dozen, naughty rotten rhymer
Cursin at you players worse than Marty Schottenheimer
You wacker than the motherfucker you bit your style from
You ain't gonna sell two copies if you press a double album
Admit it, fuck it, while we comin out in the open
I'm doin acid, crack, smack, coke and smokin dope then
My name is Marshall Mathers, I'm an alcoholic (Hi Marshall)
I have a disease and they don't know what to call it
Better hide your wallet cause I'm comin up quick to strip your
Bought a ticket to your concert just to come and whip your ass
Bitch, I'm comin out swingin, so fast it'll make your eyes spin
You gettin knocked the fuck out like Mike Tyson
The +Proof+ is in the puddin, just ask the Deshaun Holton
I'll slit your motherfuckin throat worse than Ron Goldman


So when you see me on your block with two glocks
Screamin _Fuck the World_ like Tupac
I just don't give a fuuuuuck!!
Talkin that shit behind my back, dirty mackin
tellin your boys that I'm on crack
I just don't give a fuuuuuck!!
So put my tape back on the rack
Go run and tell your friends my shit is wack
I just don't give a fuuuuuck!!
But see me on the street and duck
Cause you gon' get stuck, stoned, and snuffed
Cause I just don't give a fuuuuuck!!

I'm Nicer than Pete, but I'm on a Serch to crush a Miilkbone
I'm Everlast-ing, I melt Vanilla Ice like silicone
I'm ill enough to just straight up diss you for no reason
I'm colder than snow season when it's twenty below freezin
Flavor with no seasonin, this is the sneak preview
I'll diss your magazine and still won't get a weak review
I'll make your freak leave you, smell the Folgers crystals
This is a lyrical combat, gentlemen hold your pistols
But I form like Voltron and blast you with my shoulder missiles
Slim Shady, Eminem was the old initials (Bye-bye!)
Extortion, snortin, supportin abortion
Pathological liar, blowin shit out of proportion
The looniest, zaniest, spontaneous, sporadic
Impulsive thinker, compulsive drinker, addict
Half animal, half man
Dumpin your dead body inside of a fuckin trash can
With more holes than an Afghan


Somebody let me out this limousine (hey, let me out!)
I'm a caged demon, on stage screamin like Rage Against the
I'm convinced I'm a fiend, shootin up while this record is
Clinically brain dead, I don't need a second opinion
Fuck droppin the jewel, I'm flippin the sacred treasure
I'll bite your motherfuckin style, just to make it fresher
I can't take the pressure, I'm sick of bitches
Sick of naggin bosses bitchin while I'm washin dishes
In school I never said much, too busy havin a headrush
Doin too much rush had my face flushed like red blush
Then I went to Jim Beam, that's when my face grayed
Went to gym in eighth grade, raped the women's swim team
Don't take me for a joke I'm no comedian
Too many mental problems got me snortin coke and smokin weed
I'm goin up over the curb, drivin on the median
Finally made it home, but I don't got the key to get in


Hey, fuck that!
Pace One..